Food Facts

The Power of Natural Healing: Harnessing Nature’s Remedies for Well-being

natural healing

In the fast-growing world we live in, it’s easy to become disconnected from nature and overlook the incredible healing properties it offers. Natural healing, also known as holistic healing or alternative medicine, is a practice that taps into the power of nature to restore and optimize our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This article explores the concept of natural healing, its benefits, and some of the most effective natural remedies that have been used for centuries. (more…)


23 Dec 2023

MINT LEAF: The health benefits of mint leaves water.

Mint leaf

Mint leaf, with their refreshing aroma and distinct flavor, are not only a popular culinary herb but also offer several health benefits when consumed in the form of mint leaf water. This herbal infusion is not only delicious but also packed with nutrients that can support various aspects of our well-being. Let’s explore some of the health benefits of mint leaf water. (more…)


14 Dec 2023

Salad for a healthy body

Salad for a healthy body

Bases for mixed salads
With its many varieties, lettuce is omnipresent on our tables. There are several varieties, with different flavor and texture characteristics. Rich in nutrients and taste, green salads are available all year round and allow you to stock up on fiber, vitamins and minerals, while remaining very low in calories. Here is a short guide to help you choose and use different types of lettuce. (more…)


27 Sep 2023

Omega-3 deficiency – causes, symptoms and remedies

Omega-3s aren’t just a nutritional buzzword, they’re incredibly important fatty acids that impact our physical and mental health. They are an essential part of our diet, but many of us seem to be missing out on this important factor. (more…)


24 Sep 2023

These four new types of protein may soon replace animal products – what do they taste like?

People refuse animal protein for various reasons: because of the state of health, religious beliefs, ethical considerations. Many are concerned that animal husbandry greatly affects the environment. However, proteins are necessary for a person to live normally, so scientists do not get tired of improving methods for the production of protein products – and they have achieved impressive results! We collected the most interesting discoveries – protein from the air, mushrooms, electricity …



01 Jul 2023

What to have for dinner to lose weight? Salad recipes for every day

Dinner is the most important meal of the day and plays a key role in the weight loss process. A properly selected menu for the evening will not only help you lose weight in a short time, but also improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, give you energy and vigor in the morning, and even change the quality of your sleep (it has been scientifically proven that after a heavy and late dinner people have nightmares or just unpleasant , incomprehensible dreams). (more…)


07 Jun 2023

What is withers on the back and the reasons for its appearance

Why does she appear? 

There are few reasons, but they are quite impressive and true for both sexes: weakness of the shoulder girdle and back + hormonal shift towards an increase in estrogen (mainly the female sex hormone). Without sufficient physical activity, over time, bone tissue (including the skeleton) becomes less dense. This decline leads to deformation of the spinal column and the formation of the withers.  (more…)


25 Apr 2023

How to lose weight easily 3 life hacks

Quite! At the heart of any personality are three components – a child, an adult and a parent. Our psyche has fixed these models since childhood and applies them in adult life. Ideally, these three elements (or ego states) should work in symbiosis and “come out” alternately, depending on the situation. But it doesn’t always work out that way. (more…)


15 Apr 2023

5 Healthiest Breakfast Cereals: Give You Energy for the Day and Help You Lose Weight

Porridge is the perfect healthy breakfast option. The cereals from which porridge is cooked provide us with energy, keep the feeling of satiety for a long time, and also supply the body with nutrients and vitamins. (more…)


10 Apr 2023

Proper lean nutrition and fitness in fasting

The most important thing about fasting nutrition and fitness in fasting
From March 6 to April 24 – the time of Great Lent 2023. How to fast and is it possible to train in fasting? (more…)


18 Mar 2023