Push-Up: The Simple Exercise That Can Banish Your Bulging Belly


hqdefault (2)A push-up not only helps you to get a stronger upper body, but also a stronger midsection. It incorporates the stabilization muscles of your core, combining an upper-body pushing movement with a plank. It is, in fact, one of the best and most basic exercises for your midsection.

According to The Post Game:

“Push-ups are a higher value plank. You’re not only strengthening your abdominals by holding them still while gravity’s trying to push your hips towards the ground, but you’re also strengthening your upper-body pushing muscles: your chest, shoulders and triceps.”…

04 Apr 2015

Benefits Of Black Currants


black-currants-nutrition-factsA popular berry during summertime, deep purple black currants (sometimes called blackcurrants) offer a wealth of nutrients not found anywhere else. The plump little black currant can be puckeringly sour however, so it’s one fruit that usually requires some type of added sweetness, such as honey or stevia, for eating as is or for baking. Black currant sauce can make a delicious savory sauce for serving with lamb, turkey, or fish.

Native to central and northern Europe and Siberia, and found in Britain for over 500 years, the small shrub…

04 Apr 2015

Eating disorders may start before puberty


722aafa00e5a4ac4b74d83b5d49ec601Canadian researchers evaluated 215 children, aged 8 to 12, with eating problems. More than 15 percent of the kids made themselves vomit occasionally, and about 13 percent had bulimic-like behaviours.

Fifty-two percent of the children had been hospitalized at least once due to their eating problem, and 48 percent …

04 Apr 2015

Bone Broth Recipe



Many people have memories of coming together on Sundays to share a meal with their family. If you’re lucky, you may still do this today, and if you do, you know that part of the allure is waiting while the various pots simmer on the stove, filling your home with the scent of the home-cooked meal to come.

Today, I want to share with you a recipe that is the perfect complement to your Sunday meals… although really you can make it any day of the week. It’s a recipe for bone broth, and it’s one that is highly nourishing for both your body and your soul.

04 Apr 2015

Sharp Rise in Gout Seen


goutRates of gout have skyrocketed in the UK, rising 64 percent between 1997 and 2012.1 That equates to about a four percent rise every year, and this painful condition now affects one in 40 people!

Unfortunately, many of the media outlets that picked up this story have been focusing on the researchers’ finding that access to medication was a problem, and rates of people using uric-acid-lowering medications remained “suboptimal.”…

03 Apr 2015

Sugar and Fruit Juice: Two Foods You Should Never, Ever Eat After Exercise


images (2)If you’re like most people, one of the biggest hurdles you face when trying to maintain an exercise program is finding the time to do it on a regular basis. The great news is, you might never have to resort to this excuse ever again!

There’s increasing amounts of evidence supporting the notion that you can cut your workout time significantly while reaping better benefits…

03 Apr 2015

Blackberries Good For Health


blackberries-nutrition-factsNothing says “Summer!” like a fresh fruit salad and if blackberries aren’t in the mix, you’re definitely missing out! Sweet and succulent, this fruit belongs to the same family and closely resembles dewberries and raspberries.

Blackberries, grow on thorny bushes called brambles, are native to Europe, but are now also grown commercially in the US. They are available all year round but thrive during spring and early summer. Blackberries grow well in a wide range…

03 Apr 2015

Is ‘slow and steady’ weight loss really the best approach?


ca747fc51e274878bf6e868f7356f9dfAn Australian study casts doubt on the notion that a more gradual approach to weight loss is always the most effective route to take.

The study also found that whether you opt for a “crash” diet or something a bit slower, the rate at which you shed excess pounds has no bearing on whether or not those pounds will come back…

03 Apr 2015

Culprits of Autism Identified: Toxins, Gut Bacteria, Nutritional Deficiencies, and Vaccines Made with Human Fetal Cell Lines



Three decades ago, when I was still in medical school, autism affected one in 10,000 children. Today, autism is estimated to afflict as many as one in 50 children.

Mounting research indicates that brain disorders are the result of excessive exposure to toxins from multiple sources—including the mother, while in utero.

Another critical factor appears to be related to gut bacteria, which are of course also adversely affected by toxic exposures of all kinds, from food, environment, and medicine.

03 Apr 2015

How Your Microbiome Controls Your Health


images (3)The interconnectedness of your gut, brain, immune, and hormonal systems is impossible to unwind. The past few years has brought a scientific flurry of information about how crucial your microflora is to your genetic expression, immune system, body weight and composition, mental health, memory, and minimizing your risk for numerous diseases, from diabetes to cancer.

Researcher Jeroen Raes, featured in the TED Talk, discovered that you might even belong to one of a few “microflora types”…

02 Apr 2015