Can Diet Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?


Alzheimer'sLittle in life is as scary as the idea of forgetting our loved ones, our histories, and ourselves. Yet that is exactly what is happening to the more than 5 million people in North America suffering from Alzheimer’s disease.

Mild forgetfulness in the early years of the disease slowly expands to include serious problems with memory, language, and abstract reasoning until eventually this brain disorder robs its victims of the ability to function…

23 Apr 2015

Mouth Breathing During Exercise May Increase Your Risk for Asthma and Cardiac Problems


breathing-exerciseOne of the most basic requirements for an effective exercise session is good oxygenation of your muscles and organs. You can actually control how well your tissues are being oxygenated by how you breathe.

But if you’re like most people, you take your breathing for granted. After all, it’s so automatic! You may not realize that there is an optimal way to breathe to increase body oxygenation and improve your health. There is a chance you may be doing it the wrong way without even realizing it…

23 Apr 2015

The Future of Food,GMOs, Gene Patenting, and the Corporatization of Our Food Supply



The GMO food labeling movement has gained momentum over the past several years, passing labeling laws in three states. America’s awareness of the risks of genetically engineered (GE) foods and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to their health and the environment continues to expand.

The Future of Food is not a new film, but still does an excellent job of covering contemporary issues that continue to threaten your health, including genetic engineering, gene patenting, and the corporatization of the food supply.

23 Apr 2015

Fortified foods don’t make enough of a difference


e17a5434525c49489583ab219713b4c3Fortification of foods with additional nutrients does have an impact on kids’ intake of vitamins and minerals, but many children and teens are still not getting adequate nutrition, according to a new US study.
Based on a large national dietary survey, the researchers found that without fortification, the diets of a large number of children and teens would be nutritionally inadequate. With fortification the picture is better, but not perfect…

22 Apr 2015

A Review of Four Core Routines and Their Effectiveness for Preventing or Treating Back Pain


yogaAside from the food you eat, exercise is one of the most important factors in being free from chronic disease. It is also something that can be added to almost any lifestyle because there are so many different ways to get your daily exercise.

Pilates and yoga are two popular routines and each has benefits over and beyond strengthening your core. I’m also partial to Foundation Training, as it not only builds strong core muscles but also…

22 Apr 2015

Juicing—One of the Best Tools for Improving Your Health


download (1)Vegetable juice is an enormously helpful tool for improving your health. Dr. Andrew Saul, who’s been a guest here many times before, is a lifelong juicer.

His book, Vegetable Juicing for Everyone: How to Get Your Family Healthier and Happier, Faster!, is a fantastic resource, offering lots of practical tips for integrating juicing into your life, and having fun doing it…

22 Apr 2015

Woolworths launches new low-carb food range


aaee5768d55342fdb35c344a4f29ec68If you are watching your carbohydrate intake but can’t always find the time to cook from scratch (or find anything to buy in the shops), help is at hand.

Woolworths has just launched a new CARBCLEVER range of meals that excludes pasta, potatoes and rice. The dishes also have no wheat, grains, legumes or pulses…

21 Apr 2015

How to Perform a Full-Body Workout Using a Pair of Dumbbells


hqdefault (11)I believe that strength training is an integral part of a well-rounded exercise program and most experts recommend them for people of all ages, including children and seniors.

Using a pair of dumbbells and/or kettlebells is an excellent way to perform a broad range of exercises that will help you build muscle mass, while improving your cardiovascular health and strengthening your body from head to toe…

21 Apr 2015

Herbicide and Insecticide Use on GMO Crops Is Skyrocketing, and Rubber-Stamped Approvals Now Usher in Next-Gen GMOs


gmo-cropsA recent Huffington Post1 article penned by David Bronner, President of Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, highlights the dire problems we face as pesticide use on genetically engineered crops continue to rise.

It’s quite shocking to realize that the way we grow food in the US, as well as many other regions of the world, is producing a toxic legacy that our descendants will undoubtedly struggle with as time goes on…

21 Apr 2015

Turmeric Compound Boosts Regeneration of Brain Stem Cells, and More


brain-cellsMany spices have powerful medicinal properties, which is why they’ve been used to promote healing for thousands of years prior to the advent of patented synthetic drugs.

Some spices are clearly more useful than others, and one “star player” within Nature’s pharmacy is turmeric, a yellow-pigmented curry spice often used in Indian cuisine. Turmeric also has a long history of medicinal use in traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurveda…

20 Apr 2015