This situation is familiar to everyone who is faced with the problem of excess weight. You open the refrigerator door and freeze for a few minutes, wondering what delicacy will brighten up the hateful diet. At the same time, so that without harm to the figure … Do you know that there are products that not only are not deposited in centimeters at the waist, but also noticeably reduce the existing ones? (more…)

25 Oct 2020



The brain is the most complex tool we use. On average, he consumes 20% of the calories received from food, therefore it is a healthy diet that is the key to a solid memory, a sharp mind and a good mood.

The brain needs fuel: proteins, antioxidants, amino acids, polyunsaturated fats, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and other substances. All this is in the products we are used to, but we need to correctly compose the menu.


Sea fish

Salmon, tuna, cod, anchovies, trout are rich in omega-3 fatty acid, iodine, bromine, phosphorus, easily digestible proteins and fats. The caviar and liver of these fish contain amino acids and trace elements necessary for the functioning of brain cells, as well as vitamins A, D and E.


Nuts are rich in vitamins B and E, fatty acids, flavonoids, carbohydrates and lecithin, which increases the performance of gray cells and improves memory. Eat 5 walnuts a day.

Dried fruits

Dried fruits are rich in phosphorus, iron, calcium, potassium, fiber and digestible carbohydrates. They are great for snacking and toning.


Tomatoes contain lycopene, an antioxidant that helps flush free radicals from the body that can damage the brain and lead to dementia. The product is also rich in melatonin, which slows down the aging of gray cells, and flavonoids, which prevent myocardial infarction.

Pumpkin seeds

The huge amount of zinc in pumpkin seeds makes the brain work faster. Vitamin E, lecithin and healthy light fats also have a positive effect on mental activity. It is recommended to eat half a glass of seeds per day.


Spinach contains iron, magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, C, B9, K, E and beta-carotene. The product eliminates the “malfunctioning” of brain cells caused by aging and protects them from destruction.


No wonder this fruit is considered the “main food” of brain cells. Bananas are rich in carotene and light carbohydrates. They improve performance and promote the production of the “happiness hormone” – endorphins.


Avocado is an excellent “vegetable meat” with a huge content of easily digestible fats, as well as proteins, vitamins K, B6 and B9, C, copper and potassium.
Scientists from the University of Massachusetts have found that the elements that make up apple juice protect brain cells from oxidative stress, which leads to memory loss and a decrease in intellectual potential. Pamper yourself with this fruit to keep your mind clear for years to come.

Pomegranate seeds
Freshly squeezed juice and pomegranate seeds contain many elements necessary to maintain the functioning of gray cells: potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins C, PP, amino acids, polyphenols.

Animal cheeses
Cheese is rich in vitamins C, PP, A, C, E, B12, B1, D. The brain is saturated with useful substances and does its job without interruption, the activity increases.

Olive oil
Olive oil
People who consume this oil maintain a clear mind even in extreme old age. The fact is that olives contain monounsaturated fatty acids, which protect the brain from “shifts”.

Chicken yolks
Chicken yolks are a source of choline, which helps develop brain functions: the ability to understand, analyze, study, memorize.

The content of cocoa beans in healthy chocolate for the brain is at least 75%. The product raises mood, increases efficiency and physical activity, improves cerebral circulation, and prevents oxidative processes. Chocolate is rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, flavonoids, theobromine.

Green tea
This drink is an effective antioxidant. A cup of green tea with honey activates the work of gray cells, increases concentration and reduces fatigue.

Remember: the more heat treatment and conservation the product is subjected to, the less useful elements it remains. Nutritional value is lost during caramelization, pickling and even freezing. Eat fruits with nuts fresh or dried, brew coffee immediately after grinding, bake fish and vegetables, boil or steam.

20 Oct 2020



Gaining muscle mass directly depends on what and how you eat. For a sculpted body, follow our bodybuilding nutrition program. Our recommendations will help you correctly formulate your diet, learn how to choose the right foods, and achieve your sports goals much faster.


High-calorie meals

Muscles can only grow when more energy is supplied to the body than is expended. When the calories burned in training exceed the received ones, the opposite process occurs – weight loss.

Reusable meals

To ensure that nutrients are constantly supplied to the blood, thanks to which muscle growth occurs, separate meals by 5-6 times. If there is no regular influx of “building materials” – carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, the “building” of muscle mass will stop. The time between meals should not exceed 3 hours.

Meal mode

Try to eat at the same time – metabolic processes are carried out cyclically, and the body easily adjusts to a certain schedule. You will get the most out of your food if you follow the regimen.

Sufficient water intake

Drink 2 to 4 liters of water a day, depending on your weight. Try to drink between meals, rather than with meals, so as not to impair the digestion process.

The optimal ratio of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats

Optimal diet:

  • 30% – 35% protein
  • 50% – 60% complex carbohydrates
  • 10 – 20% fat

This is a conditional division – for each bodybuilder, the percentage is different. However, try to compose a diet based on these numbers.

Nutrition before and after exercise

Be sure to eat 1.5-2 hours before class in the gym. Food should contain complex carbohydrates, which will provide energy for training. Give preference to pasta, cereals, vegetables. You can drink a gainer. After class, refresh yourself with it or a couple of bananas. Eat a full meal in half an hour – lunch should contain a lot of complex carbohydrates and proteins, since at this time the anabolic window opens and the body assimilates the maximum amount of nutrients that contribute to energy recovery and muscle growth.

The right choice of products

Include healthy, fast-digesting foods in your diet. The main sources of protein: lean meat, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, soy, kefir, milk. Complex carbohydrates are found in buckwheat and semolina porridge, rice, pasta, oatmeal, and vegetables. There are many healthy fats in ocean fish, linseed oil, walnuts.


On average, a bodybuilder consumes per day:

  • 0.5 kg of meat
  • 0.3 kg vegetables
  • 0.4 kg of cottage cheese
  • 0.3 kg of porridge
  • 5 eggs
  • 2 liters of water

17 Oct 2020



Along with muscle mass, the level of subcutaneous fat will certainly increase. This is our nature: the prevailing anabolism in the body does not allow us to build muscle without gaining extra fats and carbohydrates. There is no other way. The larger our body becomes, the more substances it needs. Including those, we are trying to get rid of.

The sculpted body of experienced bodybuilders is the result of muscle drying. To get rid of the gained subcutaneous fat, you need to reduce the level of glycogen, which is responsible for storing carbohydrates. By burning off stored carbohydrates, we get lean and clean muscle mass. But is it that simple? Let’s figure out how to “dry” properly.


Standing oblique muscles of the abdomen and abs cubes you get, reducing the amount of body fat to 8-12%. It is not recommended to reduce it harder – you will achieve the opposite desired effect. Our body is a complex system, a “computer”. Approaching the critical point, it responds with overcompensation. For example, there was 15% subcutaneous fat, with titanic efforts you reached 6%. The brain receives the SOS signal and, in order not to be dying, makes up for the losses. And with a margin – in case of a new shake-up. Now, together with the usual 15%, in your body – 18%, or even more subcutaneous fat. Don’t terrorize yourself!


Drying the body provides for special nutrition and a set of exercises that develop the relief of the muscles. These exercises include a variety of bench presses, weighted squats, reverse crunches, deadlifts, etc.

As for nutrition, the main rule here is to reduce, but in no case exclude carbohydrate intake. Reduce the size of the usual portions, maintaining the habit of refreshing 4-6 times a day. If you feel that there is not enough energy for a productive workout, divide your daily diet into 7-8 meals – it will be easier for the body to endure the load.

Reduce carbs gradually while maintaining protein levels. Protein is especially important during drying. Make it a rule: 60-70% of protein should come with low-fat food, the remaining 30-40% – with sports nutrition.


The rules for women’s athletic training during the drying period are no different from those for men. A different matter is with nutrition: the fair sex must reconsider the usual diet.

Let’s start with protein. The daily dose for a woman of average weight (50–55 kg) is 100–120 g. The more you train, the more muscle volume becomes, and at the same time the body weight. Accordingly, the body requires more protein: for every 10 kg of muscle mass, at least 60 g of protein should be provided, ⅔ of which comes from sports nutrition and animal foods.

A small number of fat calories for exercising women will also do no harm. The main thing is not to exceed the norm, 10% of the total daily calorie intake. Protein calories should be about 60-65%, carbohydrate – 25-30%. In total, during the drying period, a woman needs 35-40 kilocalories per day for each kilogram of weight.

Eat small meals, but often, 5-6 times a day. Long intervals between meals slow down metabolism, which ultimately leads to obesity. Perform energy restructuring gradually. During the first week of drying, consume 40% of carbohydrate calories per day, during the second – 35%, on the third, you can go to the recommended 25-30%.

13 Oct 2020

Sports answers: can you eat after 6 pm


“Can I eat after 6 pm?” Is the most common question I get asked.
I answer: eating after 18.00 is not only possible, but also necessary. And that’s why. (more…)

11 Oct 2020



Often a woman, having learned about her pregnancy, is ready to immediately give up on herself and her figure. She loses all control over her lifestyle and diet, allowing herself everything that the capricious “pregnant” organism only wants.

In addition, most pregnant women are of the wrong opinion that physical activity during this period of life is highly undesirable and stop visiting the  fitness center. As a result, after giving birth, having gained extra 10-15 kilograms, a woman struggles with them with difficulty, trying all kinds of diets.

Above all, if you want to stay healthy and lean as a mom-to-be, you need to develop the right eating and fitness habits. Special exercises for pregnant women will help you to maintain the tone and physical shape throughout the pregnancy.

In general, a healthy pregnant woman is recommended to exercise daily for up to an hour. However, it should be remembered that if you feel unwell, the exercise should be reduced or stopped altogether. If you are starting to play sports for the first time, you are probably asking the question “Which sport to choose?”


When choosing the type of training, it is worth considering that during pregnancy the hormone relaxin is produced in the woman’s body, thanks to which the pelvic bones soften and pass during childbirth. Loose ligaments are less effective at restraining joints when you jump or stumble over something. Therefore, you do not need to get involved in sports, in which you have to make sudden movements and keep balance.

07 Oct 2020



Perhaps you have more than once come across the opinion that pregnant women should not strain, lift things heavier than an orange, and generally move a lot. Many of you gave up sports and fitness during pregnancy, fearing to harm your baby or yourself. As a result, due to the sedentary period in your life, you have gained extra pounds and cannot get rid of them even after pregnancy.

We are in a hurry to please and dispel your doubts: fitness is not only not harmful for pregnant women, it is extremely necessary for them! And among the many ways to stay fit during pregnancy, you will definitely find one that you like.

One of the most common reasons for quitting fitness is a lack of funds. However, who said training should definitely empty your wallet? For example, when doing fitness during pregnancy, you can use a gym ball – fitball. Combining fitball exercises with dumbbells will help you strengthen the muscles in your shoulders, arms and back. In turn, strengthened muscles will relieve you of the back pain that so often occurs during pregnancy.
Fitball for pregnant women strengthens the pelvic floor muscles, and also develops coordination, balance and increases the functionality of the body. The correct size of the ball is essential. Below are the dimensions of the fitball, depending on the height.

Height less than 152 cm – diameter of the fitball is 45 cm.
Height from 152 to 165 cm – fitball diameter 55 cm.
Height from 165 to 185 cm – diameter of the fitball is 65 cm.
Height from 185 to 202 cm – fitball diameter 75 cm.
Height over 202 cm – fitball diameter 85 cm.
Walking on a treadmill is the simplest and safest method of maintaining tone and fitness. This is considered a lightweight form of fitness since the positive effects of walking on the body are not immediately felt.
The most important thing to consider when doing treadmill walking is comfortable running shoes. When purchasing a shoe, pay attention to the material from which it is made, as well as the flexibility of its sole.

If you did yoga before pregnancy, pregnancy is not a reason to quit exercising. On the contrary, the practice of yoga will be a great alternative to other activities. Yoga helps to eliminate many of the unpleasant moments that accompany pregnancy. If you have never attended a yoga class before, then it is not recommended to start classes in the middle of pregnancy – you risk getting injured.

Improper exercise technique during pregnancy can harm the developing fetus. Therefore, while practicing yoga, try to follow these guidelines. You are contraindicated:

Bending forward from a prone position
Difficult poses (such as backbends)
Any inverted poses

05 Oct 2020



The benefits of freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices are obvious and undeniable. Drinking fresh juices fills our body with vitamins, minerals, valuable substances and microelements, gives new strength, which is impossible to get from commercial juices from a pack, in which, as a rule, a large amount of sugar is added. In addition to useful chemical properties, freshly squeezed juices (fresh juices) are simply pleasant to drink, and they are absorbed by the body much faster than just a raw fruit or vegetable. A glass of juice can sometimes even replace a whole meal and quench your thirst, while leaving behind a feeling of light satiety.

Any freshly squeezed juice contains organic compounds (sugars, acids, etc.) that help to cope with many diseases. For example, using juices, you can strengthen the body’s immunity, improve intestinal motility, metabolism , strengthen the nervous system, and so on. Some juices speed up the process of losing weight due to the content of fat burning elements.

Freshly squeezed orange juiceOrange juice is a classic among freshly squeezed juices. It contains a large amount of vitamins (A, B, C, K, E), as well as amino acids and trace elements (potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, iron, magnesium, zinc). Orange juice improves bowel function, removes toxins, reduces decay processes, improves appetite and digestion, strengthens blood vessels; it is also one of the lowest calorie juices. Orange juice is recommended for use in liver diseases, atherosclerosis and hypertension. Contraindications: stomach or duodenal ulcer, bowel upset, gastritis with high acidity.

Freshly squeezed grapefruit juiceGrapefruit contains nutrients such as carbohydrates, sugars, dietary fiber, fats, protein, vitamin B1, riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B9, vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus , potassium, zinc, manganese. In particular, grapefruit juice is useful for physical and mental stress – it strengthens the central nervous system and helps to get rid of lethargy, drowsiness and dizziness. Consuming fresh grapefruit juice well removes excess fluid from the body, activates the fat burning process, contributing to weight loss and cleansing the body of toxins. Recommended for people with poor digestion, salt deposits, high blood pressure and liver problems. If you have insomnia, overwork and lack of appetite, grapefruit juice will definitely help you.

Freshly squeezed apple juiceApple fresh contains vitamins C and P, potassium, calcium, iron, copper, manganese, cobalt, zinc, nickel salts. Apple juice pectin with pulp normalizes bowel function. In addition, freshly squeezed apple juice contains phytoncides that fight the causative agents of dysentery, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus, and influenza A viruses. Doctors also recommend eating apples in the period after a heart attack. Freshly squeezed apple juice strengthens the cardiovascular system well, is useful for people of mental labor. A big plus of this fruit is that you can drink juice from it without harm to health in fairly large quantities – up to one liter per day. Freshly squeezed apple juice is contraindicated in case of exacerbation of gastritis, peptic ulcer and pancreatitis.

Freshly squeezed pineapple juicePineapple juice is used in various diets, and is also a source of vitamin C and minerals – potassium and copper salts. This juice is relatively rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B1, B2, PP, provitamin A. Pineapple juice is recommended as a remedy for kidney diseases, tonsillitis; it has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas, stimulates intestinal activity, promotes the disappearance of age spots and removes fluid from the body. In addition, freshly squeezed pineapple juice contains a unique natural substance – bromelain, which is an excellent natural fat burner and rejuvenates the body.

Freshly squeezed pear juiceFreshly squeezed pear juice contains carbohydrates, organic acids, tannins, as well as vitamins C, P, carotene, many trace elements – vanadium, molybdenum, nickel, fluorine, iodine, etc. Pear juice is a good diuretic and has a bactericidal effect on the entire body. Pear juice is recommended for people with a tendency to diseases of the circulatory system and kidney problems. Pear fresh contains a large amount of pectin compounds that improve bowel function and digestion in general. It also regulates digestion, has antiseptic, antibacterial and analgesic effects.

Freshly squeezed carrot juiceFreshly squeezed carrot juice is one of the healthiest and most vitamin-rich juices. It contains a lot of beta-carotene, B vitamins, potassium, calcium, cobalt and other minerals. All this makes carrot fresh juice especially useful for children and people with weak immunity and problem skin. It is known that carrots containing beta-carotene are very beneficial for eyesight, and this substance is concentrated in juice. However, in order to absorb it, you must definitely eat something containing fats. Therefore, a little heavy cream is often added to fresh carrot juice.

Healthy mango juiceMango contains a whole range of nutrients: sugars, vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, folic acid, vitamins E, D and C. The amino acid of freshly squeezed mango juice includes 12 amino acids, some of which are essential. By consuming freshly squeezed juice with the pulp of one or two mango fruits per day, you can significantly increase the elasticity of the vascular wall, and the high iron content in the fruit can improve hemoglobin indices in anemia. The juice of ripe, juicy mangoes should be used for various diseases of the organs of vision, as a vitamin complex, for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for the prevention of cancer.

01 Oct 2020



Having made the decision to lose weight, a person thinks little about the nuances of his own weight loss. Of course, there are certain undeniable principles to help you lose weight. However, it is still worth figuring out which tricks will bring you closer to your intended goal faster. And one of these tricks is to take into account your gender when choosing certain foods since male and female nutrition is different.

Unfortunately for the beautiful half of humanity, the male body is physiologically designed so that it is easier for him to burn fat than the female. This is due to the fact that the structure of the female fat cell is larger than the male – as a result, women lose weight much more slowly than men, and gain very quickly. In addition, a woman’s body contains more fat-forming enzymes that store fat.

The reproductive function of the female body is another “weighting agent” on losing weight. The sex hormone estrogen affects the activity of fat formation in a woman’s body. That is why a woman is gaining weight during maturation, pregnancy, and taking hormonal drugs. This is a prerequisite for women’s health.



Regulate our diet and visit the fitness club more often, because, as a rule, a man burns more calories during the day than a woman. Another aspect is the attitude towards food. The man eats to eat. Most often it is protein (meat), which serves as a building material for muscles, which, by the way, are more in men. The woman, on the other hand, pays more attention to carbohydrates – cereals, vegetable salads, etc. Moreover, we are all familiar with the situation when a woman seizes stress with sweet buns or ice cream.


By fundamentally changing your attitude to food – eating to live, not living to eat – you will be able to defeat endless hunger. Distract yourself with something, choose something to your liking: visit a beauty salon (do you really want your new hairstyle to fade against the background of fat folds?) Or go to a dance (liberation and love for your own body is another condition for successful weight loss).

29 Sep 2020



Many athletes go to the gym with the goal of gaining muscle mass. So that exhausting workouts are not in vain, the daily diet should include a fairly large amount of protein and carbohydrates. The modern rhythm of life does not always allow you to adhere to this plan. And here a gainer comes to the rescue.

Gainer – sports nutrition with a high carbohydrate content. Their complex combination with proteins contributes to the gain of muscle mass and accelerates recovery after training.


The most common version of the gainer contains carbohydrates and proteins in a 3: 1 ratio, but there are other options: 1: 1, 2: 1 and 4: 1.

The higher the number of proteins in the composition of the gainer and the lower the number of carbohydrates, the closer it is in its properties to protein. When using such a gainer, the risk of “getting fat” is much lower than in the classic versions of the mixture.

Also for assimilation of the product, the gainer contains digestive enzymes and a small number of unsaturated fats.


A gainer is an indispensable supplement for thin people when gaining muscle mass. Ectomorph athletes will be able to quickly gain the desired weight and get in shape with it. The gainer will help football players, basketball players, and track and field athletes overcome prolonged aerobic loads. Also, a protein-carbohydrate mixture is useful for thin girls, whose goal is more appetizing forms.

Correct regular consumption of protein-carbohydrate mixtures quickly provides athletes with the required amount of energy and has a positive effect on weight gain.

Keep in mind, however, that high carbohydrate intake can lead to unwanted weight gain. The fact is that carbohydrates are deposited in fat much faster than proteins. Therefore, it is important to immediately decide for what purpose you are going to take a gainer. If the goal of your trips to the gym is to lose weight, then it is better to pay attention to sports nutrition for weight loss.

Table of the average daily intake of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight (grams).

slimming maintaining weight weight gain
The man 2-3 3-4 4-5
Woman 2-2.5 3-3.5 3.5-14.5


Most often, beginners wonder how many grams of a gainer to drink per day and when. It is best to consume the shake immediately after training. In the first half-hour after exercise, a “protein-carbohydrate window” opens – a period of time when the body is in dire need of rapid saturation with nutrients. Taking a protein-carbohydrate mixture after workouts protect muscles from catabolism and restore strength.

To grow muscle mass, you need 4-5 grams of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight per day. To find out how many carbohydrates are in one serving of a gainer, just look at the product packaging. Typically one serving is about 40 grams of protein and 100 grams of carbohydrates. However, the proportions in mixtures from different manufacturers may vary. Most importantly, do not forget that you already get the lion’s share of carbohydrates during meals.

For people who are prone to overweight, it is enough to take a gainer once a day or even replace it with protein. But for athletes who are prone to thinness, it is recommended to use the supplement at least 2 times a day. For example, before and after training.

Athletes with a fast metabolism can take it at night for more effectiveness. On rest days, it is recommended that you limit yourself to one intake of a protein-carbohydrate mixture or refuse it altogether.


Just mix the gainer with water, milk or juice in a shaker. The amount of liquid added is at your discretion. Just do not dilute the gainer in boiling water under any circumstances! Protein denatures in hot water and loses its properties.


The gainer goes well with amino acids, creatine, protein and vitamin-mineral complexes. The most common combination is creatine and BCAAs.


First of all, creatine is produced in our body from protein amino acids. The rest of the creatine comes from food. The problem is that even foods with a high content of creatine are too little for the human body. Even for people with low levels of physical activity, this amount may not be enough.

The value of creatine is that it speeds up energy metabolism in muscle cells. The standard dosage per day is approximately 5 grams. You need to consume a portion at one time, so the most convenient way to combine a gainer with creatine is to mix them in one cocktail. It is better to drink such a cocktail immediately after training.


BCAAs are a complex of amino acids that are not synthesized by the human body. These elements increase endurance and are simply indispensable for building muscle tissue. In addition, amino acids slightly increase testosterone levels and have a positive effect on blood sugar.

It is also recommended to take BCAA amino acids after training, 15-20 minutes after using the gainer.


Eating high-calorie gainers without physical activity will only lead to one thing – excess weight. It is unlikely that such a result will bring positive emotions.

20 Sep 2020