Physically active people who constantly keep their muscles in good shape manage to organically weave training into their lives. Classes in the fitness club give them pleasure and joy, help them cope with pressing problems, and serve as a source of strength necessary for their main activity.

For beginners, it is easier to adapt with some theoretical training. It has been established that for the correct selection of the diet, the system of physical activity and the time for its implementation, one should take into account the physique, the features of which are inherent in the genotype. Bodybuilders prefer Sheldon’s classification, dividing people according to morphological characteristics into three categories:

  • Endomorphs are people with a slow metabolism, prone to obesity and losing weight with great difficulty.
  • Mesomorphs are proportional, looking like real athletes if desired. Looking ahead, we can say that their activity is almost equally effective at any time of the day.
  • Ectomorphs – they are characterized by thin, long arms and legs, thinness, sinewy, hard-to-develop muscles.

However, in reality, all these signs are found in every person.

The choice of time for training also largely depends on the chronotype and type of higher nervous activity.


Most suitable for “larks” who can easily get out of bed early morning. It is believed that early exercise, especially on an empty stomach, is optimal for endomorphs, since the body needs to intensively burn stored fats to obtain the necessary energy. And the increased metabolism persists for many hours.

Other benefits:

  • During classes in the fitness club, you acquire a charge of vivacity and strength for the whole day, a good mood, a willingness to master knowledge or perform feats of labor;
  • discipline is brought up. Practice has shown that it is much easier to train yourself to go in for sports in the morning than after a hard day’s work;
  • if you prefer to go outside, you can enjoy the clean fresh air, low crowds, no distractions;
  • the body rested overnight is ready to work in full force. Morning is the best time to lose weight.


  • the person is not yet fully awake, the muscles are not warmed up, so the warm-up should be carried out completely and in accordance with all the rules;
  • before strength training , you must definitely eat a hearty meal, which will also take time;
  • Intense physical activity early in the day can cause overwhelming apathy and fatigue by the end of the day.


They are considered the most versatile, suitable for people of any physique and chronotype. Group fitness programs during this time can be attended by schoolchildren, students, and adults with flexible working hours.


  • the upcoming lesson obliges you to have lunch, but does not allow overeating, which has a beneficial effect on the beauty of the figure;
  • by four o’clock in the afternoon, the body temperature rises, the lungs function perfectly – these are optimal conditions for running, dancing , stretching, cycling, crossfit, aerobics and other group fitness programs that involve intense physical activity;
  • physical activity perfectly relieves stress experienced in the morning;
  • improved blood supply to the brain will allow you to continue working fruitfully and cope with complex tasks;
  • at this time, endurance, which is important for resistance exercises, increases, and muscle mass grows better.


  • suddenly arising urgent matters can disrupt the planned trip to the gym ;
  • if it happens during lunchtime, there may not be enough time to complete the entire planned complex.


Most suitable for ectomorphs and “owls” that develop vigorous activity closer to sunset. And in general, group fitness workouts gather at such a time the maximum number of participants. This is not surprising, because the most common working hours of offices and institutions are from 9.00 to 18.00.


  • in the early evening, at 5-6 o’clock, strength training with weights, requiring considerable endurance, as well as exercises for pumping up muscles, are most productive;
  • after 7 pm, yoga, body flex, stretching, body & mind , etc. are preferable . They allow you to get rid of the stress accumulated during the day and relax. The exercises included in the complexes strengthen different muscle groups, form a beautiful posture, develop flexibility that prolongs youth;
  • a person who has eaten 1.5–2 hours before a workout will not gorge on before bedtime.


  • physical activity makes people with a labile nervous system agitated, preventing them from falling asleep for a long time. Therefore, the advice of qualified specialists is to finish classes before 10 pm, giving yourself time to calm down. Later, it is advisable only for a relaxing swimming ;
  • people who are not very organized may have several reasons during the day that prevent them from going to the gym after work. This is banal laziness, and a spoiled mood, and an invitation to meet with friends, so it takes a lot of willpower not to succumb to temptation.


Few of the working people can afford group fitness workouts in the morning or in the evening in accordance with theoretical calculations, and there is no one hundred percent connection between the time of training and their results. Regularity, perseverance, desire, mood for success are important. The body itself will tell you what it needs, and then you will not have to torture it – the results will not be long in coming.

Whatever type of physical activity a person is fond of, the main goal should be to improve health, improve health, and improve the quality of life. In addition to the correct selection of exercises, a balanced diet, sound sleep, and proper rest will help to achieve this.


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