Maximum strength, endurance and speed require a powerful boost of energy. The basic formula of our body says: energy received from food = change in energy reserves + energy expenditure. Energy in our body comes from nutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, fats) and is measured in kilocalories. The more you train, the more calories you need to consume: extra calories go to provide energy and recovery. High loads require a properly selected diet.

So, in this article we will analyze the key principles of proper nutrition during intense training.

Principles of nutrition during intense training

  1. Drink enough water. During exercise, the body loses a lot of fluid. Dehydration, on the other hand, entails microtrauma, a slowdown in metabolism and a deterioration in most body functions.
  2. With an increase in intensity, energy consumption increases, and hence nutrients. If your diet is based on proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats and fiber, this will be a good start to the path to strength, muscle and energy.
  3. Never add calories to a single serving. Increase the number of meals to 6-8 times a day. 
  4. For normal digestion, the body needs fiber. For this, it is recommended to eat at least 400 g of vegetables per day.    
  5. Don’t give up fat. Start consuming the omega-3 and omega-6 fats your body needs. Their sources are seafood and vegetable oils.
  6. Don’t skip meals. For breakfast, the body needs a boost of energy – carbohydrates. Before going to bed, it is useful to consume foods containing casein (long) protein. Fat-free cottage cheese before bed will help the muscles recover faster.
  7. Help your body replenish its reserves with various trace elements and minerals.

Features of nutrition depending on the goals of training

There are 3 main goals for which people make training a part of their lives: burning fat, increasing muscle mass and maintaining the achieved shape. Different goals require a different distribution of the proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body.

Fat burning

protein: 50% fat: 30% carbohydrates: 20%.

If your goal is to lose weight, the first thing to do is to limit the amount of incoming carbohydrates in general, and minimize the proportion of fast carbohydrates. Stick to a low-carb diet for most meals, make the carbohydrates you consume part of your breakfast.

Weight increase

protein 30%, fats 40%, carbohydrates 30%

Protein is the backbone of muscles. Keep an eye on the intake of high-quality protein with food (meat, dairy products, nuts). When gaining weight, carbohydrates are equally important. The quality of incoming carbohydrates affects the quality of the mass.

Keeping fit

protein 30%, fats 45%, carbohydrates 25%. 

All carbohydrates should be taken during training and/or after 6:00 pm each day. A high level of protein is needed for the timely recovery of the body and “feeding” the gained muscle mass.

Insufficient or improper nutrition will delay the achievement of your goals, while the correct restoration of energy resources will allow the body to use its maximum potential!


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