I’ve been training for ten years now, and according to my observations, every second injury occurs due to the fact that there was no warm-up before training. Or was, but tyap-blunder.
Therefore, I am very glad that we met in this article! Today in the program: a little about the importance of a warm-up, what should be the right warm-up and a set of warm-up exercises that I do before each workout.

The warm-up for most is the most boring part of the workout. Here you do not overcome yourself, do not set records, do not influence weight gain or loss. I would like to get down to business as soon as possible – not to engage in muscle stretching, but to go shake the “hundred”.
It is especially painful to watch how young people neglect the warm-up. Right now, they don’t feel the need for it – warmed up or not warmed up, training feels the same way. But they will feel the difference closer to thirty years, when all these stress tests of youth will make them felt with pain in the back, knees, shoulders and elbows.
Same with the body. Warm-up is the “warm-up” of the body. Only the consequences of a cold start are more dangerous: you can change the car, but you have one body and for life. Therefore, do not spare 10-20 minutes for a quality warm-up.
Every day in the gym, I see people who, instead of a normal warm-up, shake their arms a little, kick their legs, twist a little, stretch – and go to train. I think they do it simply because they don’t know what a warm-up should really be.
As a result, it seems that the warm-up was carried out and you can, with a clear conscience, proceed to intense loads. But there is little point in such a warm-up.
It takes 10-20 minutes to warm up. This is the optimal time to prepare the body for exercise, warming up the joints and muscles.
Warm-up order: from top to bottom. If we talk about which parts of the body to start warming up with, then we can focus on how the body pumps blood – and this happens from the head to the feet. Therefore, it is logical to build a warm-up like this: we start from the upper parts of the body, gradually move on to the legs.
Neck after thoracic region. This rule contradicts the previous one. However, it is better not to knead the neck at the very beginning, so as not to increase the risk of injury – this is a fragile part of the body and can be damaged by a sudden movement.
As children in physical education, we were forced to intensively stretch our necks at the very beginning of the lesson – this is wrong. Do not repeat after the teachers if you want to save your neck.
The pace of execution should be low. During the warm-up, you should not get tired and out of breath, leave it for later. Now it is important to carefully bring the whole body to training.
Running on the track is not a warm-up, but a strong load on the knees and ankles. Running is jumping with all your weight, first on one leg, then on the other. For the joints, this is a huge burden. Therefore, a run can be included in the warm-up, but at the very end – we will talk about this later.

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