Bodybuilding, what is there for the night? All facts about nutrition before bedtime and at night.


Nutrition is one of the main problems of bodybuilders. Moreover, the diet and eating a sufficient number of calories, delivers much more “inconvenience” than the training itself. Questions ” What is at night?” “And” Is there a night? “Cause a lot of controversy, so they require separate consideration. Let’s try to dot all the “i” in these matters.

Meals for the night

I must say right away that the night phase of sleep is very different from the daytime, so rice and meat will not be rolled before bedtime, regardless of whether you are gaining weight or burning fat.

At night, the body eats only adipose tissue, in contrast to the daily cycle. This is what provides us with a long, long and continuous sleep. Adipose tissue in the process of sleep is oxidized most actively, and those carbohydrates that we ate for dinner provide this energy exchange. There is such a catch phrase: “Fats burn in the fire of carbohydrates.” In fact, do not regard it as the fact that carbohydrates burn fat. They do not burn fat, but provide energy to the process of oxidation of fat, which also requires an easily mobilized source of energy (carbohydrates). That’s why, during intense training, athletes often consume a small amount of carbohydrate drinks., in order to stimulate the oxidation of fat. The key word here is “small amount.” A large amount will lead to discomfort during training. And if there are a lot of carbohydrates at night, then in addition to providing the process of fat oxidation, excess carbohydrates will be deposited in the form of that very fat. So what is there for the night?

About 3-4 hours before bedtime, it is better to take ordinary food (a regular dinner containing proteins, carbohydrates and a minimum of fat), so that the break in the body’s energy supply is not too big. Moreover, for dinner should account for 25-30% of the calories of your daily diet.

Next, say, 1-2 hours before bedtime, you need to take an easily digestible protein product. It can be a protein shake (the best option), or for example, cottage cheese, which is also perfectly absorbed, as well as kefir (an excellent product, about the useful properties of which I will discuss later). This will provide the body with the necessary amino acids that will be used for muscle growth and energy metabolism. With what “extra” carbohydrates the body should not be loaded. By the time of sleep our dinner will be already digested and will give the necessary amount of carbohydrates.

Food at night

A number of bodybuilding representatives insist on the need for an additional meal, and right in the middle of the night. The main reason for the recommendation, which is unusual at first glance, is a many-hour break in nutrition, which leaves the muscles of the bodybuilder without proper nourishment. So what really happens at night? Does a night break really not allow you to move towards your goal? And is it possible to boost metabolism during a night’s sleep, which takes a person’s third of his life?

Since bodybuilding is widely accepted fractional nutrition at intervals of three to four hours, a night’s sleep, lasting about 8 hours, inevitably steals at least one full meal. In order to prevent such an obvious failure in the overall plan of an athlete’s nutrition, it is proposed to wake up late at night, immersing a portion of high-quality protein. In some cases, when athletes have obvious signs of an accelerated metabolism, protein products are suggested to be combined with a certain amount of carbohydrates and vegetable fats. In cases where there is a risk of gaining excess fat reserves, it is advised to take only pure protein, preferably of powder origin. Also, as an illustration of a “night” dish, eggs from one protein are often brought. Such statements look quite convincing, especially against the background of the arguments presented. True, the important fact that the nocturnal metabolism of a person who is in deep sleep is somewhat different from the daily counterpart, when there is a peak in its activity, is ignored. During a night’s rest, the digestive system of a healthy person works half-heartedly, which means that some of the food may not be digested to the end, and its undigested residues remain in the intestine longer, and some are absorbed into the bloodstream and can poison the body. And instead of digestion, processes of rotting food occur. Therefore, excess and improper food intake at bedtime, and even more so at night, turns the night into a self-poisoning procedure. slightly different from the daily counterpart, when there is a peak in its activity. During a night’s rest, the digestive system of a healthy person works half-heartedly, which means that some of the food may not be digested to the end, and its undigested residues remain in the intestine longer, and some are absorbed into the bloodstream and can poison the body. And instead of digestion, processes of rotting food occur. Therefore, excessive and improper food intake at bedtime, and even more so at night, turns the night into a self-poisoning procedure. slightly different from the daily counterpart, when there is a peak in its activity. During a night’s rest, the digestive system of a healthy person works half-heartedly, which means that some of the food may not be completely digested, and its undigested residues remain in the intestine longer, and some are absorbed into the bloodstream and can poison the body. And instead of digestion, processes of rotting food occur. Therefore, excess and improper food intake at bedtime, and even more so at night, turns the night into a self-poisoning procedure. And instead of digestion, processes of rotting food occur. Therefore, excessive and improper food intake at bedtime, and even more so at night, turns the night into a self-poisoning procedure. And instead of digestion, processes of rotting food occur. Therefore, excess and improper food intake at bedtime, and even more so at night, turns the night into a self-poisoning procedure.

Remember, at the beginning of the article, foods that were most suitable for eating before bedtime were listed. Of these products, I would mention kefir. So the fact is that kefir extinguishes these putrefactive-fermentation processes. And extinguishes very well. Thus, after drinking kefir before bedtime, we extinguish all these bad processes (as a result of which, by the way, toxins are released during glucose fermentation), as well as provide the stomach with “helpers” in the form of beneficial bacteria. And finally, kefir is very easily digested and provides us with protein.

So, eating at night, you can not only poison your body, but also do not allow the body to fully relax, forcing the internal organs to work actively.

If this is still not enough for you, then I will present you with a number of factors about nightly eating.

Так, чтобы внести в ночную жизнь дополнительный прием пищи нужно для этого проснуться, причем сделать это придется насильственным образом – по будильнику. Тот, кто несколько раз за ночь просыпается подобным образом, на следующий день обычно обнаруживает у себя упадок сил, что явно свидетельствует о плохом качестве сна прошлой ночью. В таком состоянии не хватает сил даже на решение текущих обыденных задач, не то чтобы тренироваться в зале на повышенном уровне интенсивности. Организм открыто говорит, что суточные биоритма сбиты с привычного для себя ритма.

The argument is put forward that this phenomenon is temporary and only has to endure for two or three weeks and the body itself will adjust to the awakenings at the appointed time. The effect should be enhanced by the fact that after the same time a person’s stomach will get used to waking up with the owner, activating his secretory function at full capacity. But up to this point, you still have to endure the reluctance of the gastrointestinal tract to get into work, observing the consequences of night experiments and over the next day in the form of a lack of appetite and foodborne toxicosis caused by stagnation of undigested products.

Insisting on taking a night portion of the nutrients necessary for the athlete somewhere around two or three in the morning, proponents of the procedure emphasize that it is at this time that the effect achieved will have the greatest results. Due to the fact that in the interval from an hour to three in the morning, a sleeping person has an emission of the maximum concentration of anabolic hormones, and it is proposed to reinforce the favorable hormonal background with an additional intake of a sufficiently large amount of nutritious amino acids. It seems that everything converges – a high hormonal level and the presence of the necessary building material. But this is only in theory. After waking up at the set time, the work of the endocrine glands also fails, and in this case there is no hope for an increased anabolic background, but it is possible to release cortisol. A sure sign of this condition, confirmed by numerous studies, is reduced capacity the next day. In other words, waking up between the first and third hours of the night, a person inevitably deprives his body of the opportunity to ensure its own full recovery. It remains only to imagine what awaits the athlete after several weeks of such deliberate intervention in the system of endogenous hormonal regulation. Most likely, the result will be the exact opposite of what was intended. Disruption of processes will be the most likely outcome. a person inevitably takes away from his own body the ability to provide his own full recovery. It remains only to imagine what awaits the athlete after several weeks of such deliberate intervention in the system of endogenous hormonal regulation. Most likely, the result will be the exact opposite of what was intended. Disruption of processes will be the most likely outcome. a person inevitably takes away from his own body the ability to provide his own full recovery. It remains only to imagine what awaits the athlete after several weeks of such deliberate intervention in the system of endogenous hormonal regulation. Most likely, the result will be the exact opposite of what was intended. Disruption of processes will be the most likely outcome.recovery , which will not delay the impact on athletic success, also complicated by the acquisition of a digestive system disorder, accompanied by even greater deterioration in the absorption of incoming nutrients.

As can be seen from the foregoing, the contradiction of the recommendations regarding nocturnal food intake and the biological rhythms of the human body gives rise to doubt the competence of such statements. In addition, in order to use the capabilities of your body to the maximum, it is worth paying attention to a quality and timely meal before bedtime and immediately after morning awakening. Moreover, in both cases, you should take care of the rate of assimilation of the consumed products – the higher it is, the greater the guarantee that the nutrients reach their final goal and support muscle growth anabolism.

13 Apr 2021

What are food substitutes?


In the modern context of the global problem of obesity, low-calorie food substitute enriched with useful substances is one of the most important achievements. (more…)

11 Apr 2021

How to start eating right if you haven’t done it before: simple instructions


Proper nutrition is not a temporary diet that destroys the body. It is a way of life and a basic principle of wellness. When you are hungry, you have a choice: take a green salad or your favorite cream cake. Many people choose the second option: favorite, tasty, and familiar. But dessert will simply fill the void in your stomach and fill your body with less-than-healthy sugars, trans fats, oils, and additives. If you choose a salad, you will fill yourself with a lot of vitamins and fiber, not only get rid of hunger, but you will be full for several hours.


03 Apr 2021

Ayurvedic remedies for digestion


According to the teachings of Ayurveda, almost all ailments appear due to digestive problems. With proper functioning of the digestive system, many diseases can be prevented, and diseases that have already appeared can be eliminated.

Digestion Normalizing Drugs

Herbalax . It is considered a natural remedy based on medicinal plants to improve bowel function. The drug is a mild laxative providing easy and timely evacuation of intestinal contents. The herbs in it soften stools and relieve acute and chronic constipation, giving a person a feeling of comfort and excellent well-being. They also reduce bloating and colic.Herbolax Herbolax Himalaya.jpg

When cleansing the intestines, the water-salt balance is not disturbed. Herbalax can be used in combination with other agents to eliminate excessive gas production. The drug can be used for a long time. It does not cause physiological dependence and addiction.

The tool is used for:

invasions of helminths and protozoa;
preparation for a radiological examination of the abdominal cavity;
chronic constipation;
difficult bowel movements after surgery;
constipation with bloating and colic.
Subject to the conditions of admission, there are no side effects.

Pudin Hara. It is a popular Indian drug. It is composed of peppermint and spice oils. The tool is used if the stomach hurts, it relieves flatulence, restores the intestinal microflora.

Flatulence is a very unpleasant symptom, often requiring long-term treatment. Folk remedies, which contain components of herbal origin, have long proved to be an excellent therapy without side effects. Pudin Khara.jpg

It is a natural preparation with no contraindications. Pudin Hara is able to quickly relieve colic, flatulence, cramps and stomach pain. The product protects against infections, normalizes the microflora of the stomach. The drug must be in every person’s medicine cabinet. After consuming unhealthy food or poor quality water, the stomach can “break down”. In such a situation, Pudin Hara can become your indispensable assistant.

Healing herbs can most effectively get rid of flatulence and normalize bowel function.

The drug is prescribed in the presence of colic, cramps, abdominal pain.

Bael. Since ancient times, Bael’s fruits have been used for dysentery, diarrhea, cholera, since they normalize digestion, improve the absorption of food, and are characterized by a carminative effect. The plant is a therapy in the presence of intestinal ulcers, has anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, antiviral effects, prevents viral diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Various parts of this tree, as well as its extracts, are used for medicinal purposes. Bael is characterized by laxative, astringent, carminative properties, normalizes digestion. The drug is used for injections of poisonous fish, dangerous snake bites, intermittent fever, indigestion. In addition, it is antiviral, antibacterial, hypogenic, anthelmintic, which also stimulates the heart.Bael Himalaya

The drug is taken to solve the following problems:

with intestinal spasms;
impaired digestion;
helminthic invasions;
colitis (inflammatory processes in the large intestine with various diseases) caused by flatulence, accumulation of toxins and mucus in the intestines;
with low digestibility of food;
as a complex therapy for viral diseases;
with spills of bile, jaundice, improves the functioning of the liver;
with fermentopathy (diseases or pathological conditions caused by the absence or impairment of the activity of various enzymes) in diabetes (characterized by strong hypoglycemic activity);
in the form of complex therapy for viral diseases;
increases appetite, aids digestion;
it has a strong anthelmintic effect;
the remedy reduces Kapha dosha and Vata, balances Pitta dosha.
Bael should not be taken by children under the age of fourteen.

Digestion is a vital process that can be a hassle for anyone. These include heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and other signs of intestinal resentment.

According to Ayurveda, digestion is a process that maintains the physical health of a person, influencing the development of his consciousness. Digestion of food also determines our quality of life.

30 Mar 2021

Ayurvedic remedies for hair growth


Ayurvedic remedies for hair growth

Many of us associate health with longevity, endless energy, good looks, and well-being. But in order to realize all these benefits, it is not enough just to diagnose diseases in oneself in a timely manner and treat them. The secret to true health is balance. Ayurveda helps to achieve it. It is an authentic Indian healing system that is more than 5,000 years old. 

When compared with Western medicine, in which the advantage remains with injection therapy, Ayurveda is based on the use of various herbs and extracts. In addition, massages, yoga, and a diet depending on the constitution of the body play an important role in it. This approach is unique in that it involves the effect on the entire body as a whole. At the same time, the teaching focuses on each system and organ separately.

Thick hair in Ayurveda is considered one of the main criteria for assessing health. Their beautiful appearance or dullness and severe loss can be a wake-up call that cannot be ignored.

Ayurvedic preparations that promote hair growth

Keshkuntal. It is a unique Ayurvedic remedy that enhances hair growth. It contains a complex of herbs that improve the structure of the curls, fill them with all the necessary vitamins and other useful substances. After using this drug, the hair gains health, density, and strength.

Keshkuntal restores hair, promotes hair growth, protects against hair loss. It consists exclusively of plant and mineral components. Due to constant stress, malnutrition, anxiety, side effects of drugs, poor ecology, and other factors, the curls become weak and begin to fall out.

The most common hair problems are dandruff (seborrheic dermatitis), baldness, brittle hair, split ends, and early gray hair. It is necessary to treat such symptoms from the inside. External therapy does not give the desired quick results. Keshkuntal nourishes the curls, gives strength to the growth of new hair follicles.

Bringaraj, which is in preparation, accelerates hair growth, protects the body from aging, and rejuvenates bone tissue. It makes curls strong, strengthens teeth, improves memory, hearing, and vision. It is an invaluable source of calcium, without which strong and healthy hair cannot be grown.

The ayurvedic drug improves metabolism, rejuvenates the body, tones it up, strengthens the nervous system, promotes the rapid healing of micro-wounds. This remedy is taken by people suffering from cirrhosis, dysentery, insomnia, all kinds of skin diseases, mental disorders, and much more.

Properties possessed by the product:

  • it treats hair loss (baldness);
  • promotes their growth;
  • makes curls strong and shiny after perm and dyeing;
  • improves their structure, eliminates fragility and split ends;
  • the drug removes dandruff;
  • eliminates premature gray hair, by increasing the amount of melanin, accelerates hair growth, restores their natural shade;
  • gives curls a beautiful shine, soft silkiness, and a healthy appearance.

The tool is used for:

  • insomnia;
  • baldness;
  • early gray hair;
  • hair loss;
  • the need for a rejuvenating effect;
  • the importance of toning the body;
  • needs to improve metabolism;
  • the need for anti-febrile action;
  • hemostatic;
  • healing;
  • the importance of strengthening the nervous system.

A contraindication to admission is the presence of individual intolerance to the constituents of the drug.

TrichupThis is an Ayurvedic remedy that activates hair growth and protects them from hair loss. The product is known for its powerful herbal and mineral complex, consisting of herbs and minerals commonly used to care for curls.

It also contains muktashukti basma and bhringaraj, which make hair thick, healthy, improve its structure and accelerate growth.

What effect does the indicated remedy have?

  1. Trichup normalizes hair growth.
  2. Stops their loss at different intensities.
  3. Even “dormant” bulbs are activated.
  4. Improves the structure of curls.
  5. Increases their density.
  6. Prevents breakage and tangling of hair.
  7. Eliminates scalp flaking, dandruff, and itching.
  8. Makes curls silky and shiny.
  9. Very useful as an additional mineral supplement for general body support.
  10. By stimulating the production of melanin inside the hair follicles, it restores hair growth, restores its natural color instead of gray hair.

Trichup is used for the following actions:

  • against beriberi;
  • gray hair;
  • to restore damaged hair;
  • in the absence of shine curls;
  • if the hair is dry and brittle;
  • grow slowly;
  • with alopecia;
  • intense hair loss.

According to Ayurveda, curls are the litmus test of the human body. They show our actual emotional and physical state. It is believed that an experienced physician is able to diagnose a patient simply by looking at his hair. Many factors affect the health of curls. The main ones easily undermine health and spoil the appearance of the hair.

The same negative effect can be achieved by using low-quality care products. Today there are a huge variety of chemicals that are composed of harmful substances. As you know, unhealthy curls split and break all the time. In such cases, effective Ayurveda preparations come to the rescue. 

27 Mar 2021

First time to yoga: what a beginner needs to know


Beginners have a hard time everywhere. And newcomers to yoga are no exception. They worry, worry and constantly doubt everything. And this is completely natural, since life is literally turned upside down. To make life easier for beginners in yoga, we decided to write this article. It is for those who go to yoga for the first time, as well as for those who are interested in questions about what yoga mats are, what to wear for yoga and what to take with you.

We go to yoga to become healthy, beautiful, more conscious. Do not think that on the very first day you will be required to sit in the lotus position and tie a knot. Everyone here is beginners. Therefore, cast aside all doubts and fears, and forward to the world of yoga! We offer you a short excursion called “everything about yoga for beginners.”Tights for women Miss Incredible plum YogaDress

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the yoga “wardrobe”. If you do not know what clothes should be for yoga, then remember, in principle, everything you know about ordinary clothes. Have you noticed that yogis’ clothes are usually very simple, without unnecessary details? Choose a simple style, but get clothes made from natural fabrics. If your yoga style involves frequent practice of inverted postures, then the outerwear should be more tight-fitting.

The next important question for beginners is the rug. Yoga assumes the presence of a mat under your body, which will protect you from the cold floor, create the softness necessary for your hands, and also come in handy for comfortable performing asanas. It will provide a secure grip on your hands and feet and will absorb sweat. In the classroom, you will definitely be provided with a rug. However, if you are serious about getting into the practice, you should still get your own rug. It will be more hygienic and practical. You can always buy yoga mats (St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia) in the online store, where they will be happy to answer all your questions and help you make the right choice.

Now that you are already equipped, you can safely go to yoga for the first time. Try not to overeat or drink a lot of water before class. It is much more comfortable to practice on an empty but well-fed stomach. Yoga mat Flower

You should not use perfume before going to a yoga studio. Do not wear jewelry that could injure you while performing asanas. And be sure to turn off your phone so that it doesn’t distract you or those around you from your practice.

It is better to come to class early. So you can calmly change and be able to mentally prepare.

If you have any serious medical conditions, be sure to inform your teacher about it. If he allows you to start practicing, lay out a rug and first just sit quietly, breathe and relax, getting ready for the class.

23 Mar 2021



ExPower vol. 2.0 is a system of exercises that allows you to correct muscle imbalance through functional loading that forms balance and flexibility. ExPower vol. 2.0 improves the quality of body movement, the work of muscles, joints and the cardiorespiratory system, increases endurance and relieves psycho-emotional stress.

ExPower training vol. 2.0 allows you to achieve a balance in the development of the right and left halves of the body, which reduces the risk of injuries to the musculoskeletal system. Exercise forces the body to adequately respond to any changes in the environment and is aimed at working with superficial muscles and deeply lying stabilizing muscles, which make it easy to hold the body in any position.

“First of all, we are aimed at improving people’s health, and this is precisely the functional load. To restore the body to harmony, all-round flexibility, balance and strength, we use the so-called functional exercises. Functional – because they are designed to restore the functions inherent in a healthy body, ”comments Irina Troska, fitness director of the federal chain of fitness clubs X-Fit.

ExPower training vol. 2.0 is designed for 55 minutes. Cardio and strength training with additional equipment is added to the functional intervals. For cardio, elements of martial arts are used: kicks, hands, knees, elbows, complex movements, defensive techniques.

“The peculiarity of this workout, which makes it unique in its kind, is the work on the ground. We use modern wrestling techniques: grappling, jiu-jitsu, freestyle wrestling and judo. All these types contain a large number of leading and preparatory exercises for mastering the technique and improving the physical qualities of those involved. We borrowed these exercises and projected them into our workout, which led to the combination of cardio and functional work in one module. In the power unit, we use additional equipment in the form of mini-barbells, ”says Ilya Frank, an expert and coordinator of the martial arts network.

ExPower vol.2.0 is suitable for intermediate to advanced training. Training involves strict adherence to the execution technique, frequency, diet and drinking regimen. For exercise, you will need high-sided sneakers and outdoor sportswear to prevent heatstroke. Training is contraindicated for epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, serious injuries and diseases of the joints and spine, as well as for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

16 Mar 2021



The encyclopedia says that dried fruits are a variety of fruits dried in the sun or in special dryers with residual moisture not exceeding 20%. Today their popularity is higher than ever – they have become a full-fledged part of everyday and sports nutrition.


13 Mar 2021



If you make a list of the most popular words of our time, one of the first places in it will probably take “fitness”. The very fitness for which we choose a club for a long time and meticulously, without hesitation, we buy an annual subscription and several times a week with a titanic effort of will force ourselves to get up and go to the gym.

Which is better: a fitness club or classes at home?

Previously, there were sports and physical education in our country. They learned about the existence of fitness in the USSR only in the late 80s. Gaining momentum every year, today it has become not just a fashionable hobby, but a part of modern life. Fitness is necessary for everyone! – the advertisement of sports clubs assures. Fitness is health, slimness and good mood – instructors repeat. Wait a minute! – says a potential fitness lady and voices her “buts”:

  • Going to the gym regularly takes too long
  • The subscription is too expensive
  • And in the end, it’s too crowded – I’m shy

For those who associate training in the “gym” more with stress than pleasure, it is time to think about home workouts. The advantages of self-study in a familiar environment are obvious:

  • You can manage the time by making a schedule convenient for you
  • You save a lot on subscriptions
  • You will have to pay only once – for sports equipment for the home
  • It will become much easier to study with your favorite music and alone.

Thus, without leaving your home, you can achieve results no worse than in a fitness club. The main thing is to do everything right:

  • First of all, assess your capabilities and set goals
  • Create a workout plan using specialized literature and Internet resources
  • Reconsider your diet and decide on a diet
  • And finally: buy a simulator

Pushing the limits: aerobics and anaerobic training

Before starting classes, we recommend that you thoroughly study the types of workouts. There are many more of them than a beginner thinks. For example, we have all heard a lot about aerobics and are practically unfamiliar with the so-called anaerobic training. The aerobic method or aerobics is training in which the oxygen consumed is sufficient to energize the body. As a rule, these are long-term sessions of low and medium intensity. Aerobic training is a good place to start with fitness. The anaerobic type is a workout, usually of high intensity and short duration (a few minutes), in which the body experiences short-term oxygen deprivation. With short-term exertion, breathing and heartbeat become more frequent, there is not enough oxygen, and energy begins to be consumed from more accessible sources – fat deposits.

  • strengthening the muscles,
  • improvement of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body,
  • improving the body’s ability not to accumulate toxins (primarily lactic acid) and accelerate their elimination,
  • increased endurance.

The simplest example of the difference between aerobic activity and anaerobic activity is long distance running in a relaxed mode and sprinting for short distances. In the first case it is a classic aerobic training, in the second it is anaerobic. Fitness beginners shouldn’t jump into anaerobic workouts right away. Only after a while can you include high-intensity exercises in the program. Ideally, you need to combine both types of stress, in this case the effect on the body will be complex.

Interval workouts

One of the most effective and fastest ways to fight fat is interval cardio training or training at a “ragged” pace. This method maximizes efficiency while also shortening training time. The main idea behind interval training is to alternate between high and low intensity workouts. Studies show that if you exercise in this way for only three times a week for 15 minutes, the results will be the same as exercising on a treadmill for an hour. The uniqueness of the “interval” is that fat burning continues after training.

The main types of home fitness equipment

Treadmills – beauty and naturalness If you want to keep your body in good physical shape, home exercises on the treadmill will definitely help you with this. Your muscles will be strengthened and your heart will pump more oxygenated blood. The treadmill is perfect even for initial loads, because it is not necessary only to run on it, but you can also walk in a relaxed mode. A large selection of programs, various speed modes and incline levels will make your path to beauty and health fun and varied. Spinning the pedalsAn exercise bike is one of the most popular types of home exercise equipment. A workout that simulates cycling allows you to combine aerobic and anaerobic training, perfectly works the muscles of the legs and buttocks, improves the functioning of the respiratory system and the body as a whole. The exercise bike is small, making it ideal for home workouts. Elliptical Trainer The elliptical or cross trainer is a popular fitness machine with many functions. Many people fell in love with him for the smoothness of movements and the absence of stress on the joints. On an elliptical trainer, you can change the direction of movement, transfer the load to different muscle groups, and gently work out the whole body. In models with electromagnetic load, there is a large selection of fat burning and restorative training programs.Stepper: Climbing to the Tops Stepper is an affordable and simple trainer recommended for people of all skill levels. Steppers simulate climbing stairs, strengthens mainly the legs and buttocks. Also, classes on the stepper have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory system. With levers or hand grips, the shoulder girdle can also be worked out pretty well.

Nutrition, diet, exercise diary

The effect of training will not be so noticeable if a special regime and nutritional composition are not connected to your active rhythm of life. It is very important to decide on the type of diet, to be able to count calories, to know the principles of separate nutrition. Each of these points is worthy of a separate article. A training diary plays a very important role in sports . In it, you write down the strength indicators and the number of repetitions performed. Such a diary is especially important for beginners, as it will allow them to become more disciplined and motivate for new “exploits”.

Your personal diary should contain the following information:

  • Training date, week number
  • Body weight
  • Warm up and cool down notes
  • Your own assessment of the lesson on a five-point scale
  • Duration of workout
  • Do not be lazy to keep a diary, because based on its data, you can visually assess your progress in training, find weaknesses and strong decisions that will lead you to success.

And home is better!

So, let’s consolidate all the benefits of training that you will get without even leaving your home:

  • Extra calories will “run away”
  • Your muscles will be strengthened
  • The general tone and immunity will increase
  • Performance and endurance will improve

Of course, classes in a fitness club have their advantages, but only at home can you work on yourself calmly and focused, without being distracted by extraneous noise and without being embarrassed by your neighbors in the gym. And let the purchase of a simulator be as enjoyable for you as independent work on yourself. Sportiv online store will be happy to help you create your personal fitness club.

07 Mar 2021


Running is the easiest form of exercise available to keep your body in good shape. Moreover, you do not need to spend money on a fitness club and go jogging at home, where, as you know, there is no snow, no wind, no rain. But there is a treadmill. Walking and jogging will cheer you up, give you a boost of vivacity for the whole day and help improve muscle tone throughout the body.

Features of the device of treadmills

Most models provide the ability to control the intensity of the workout: you can change the speed of the treadmill depending on your physical condition. In addition to the speed of the treadmill, you can also change the angle of its inclination – this is another option of the simulator.

Also on a special monitor you can see the number of calories burned, track the time of the lesson and find out the distance traveled. If you want to track the dynamics of training, the memory of the simulator has a function for saving the results of previous exercises. To buy a treadmill for your home use our tips for choosing .

Benefit for health

With each treadmill workout, your muscles will strengthen and your heart will begin to pump more oxygenated blood. As you run, your waistline shrinks, your figure improves, and unwanted body fat is a thing of the past. If you don’t want to catch a cold, use the machine for 45 minutes, five times a week, and the likelihood that the flu will bypass you increases by 50%.
Despite the “running” name, this simulator is suitable even for the elderly and weakened people, because you can not only run, but also walk. The treadmill will be an excellent solution for people suffering from osteoporosis, arterial hypertension, and back pain. However, do not forget about contraindications.

Pros of Daily Treadmill Exercise

  • when running, calories are burned more intensively;
  • when exercising on a treadmill, all muscles are trained;
  • metabolism will improve;
  • the work of the spine, as well as joints, will improve;
  • running has a calming effect, because during training endorphins are produced – the so-called “hormones of happiness”;
  • psychological fatigue will go away;
  • working capacity will be increased;
  • the work of the heart and blood vessels will improve.

Simple training rules

  • Exercise in the morning. It is in the morning that calories are burned most intensively.
  • The time you should spend on training is 30-40 minutes.
  • Drink water. Do not allow dehydration of the body.
  • Start your activity with a slow run for a few minutes. Before finishing your workout, you need to slow down your running pace and allow your body to cool down, after which it is recommended to walk for a few minutes.
  • Watch your pulse, it should be no more than 130 beats per minute.
  • Breathe rhythmically.
  • Listen to music, because running to your favorite songs will be much more enjoyable and interesting.

05 Mar 2021