How to stop being nervous and seize stress with sweets

Foods to Eat When You’re Stressed
What happens if stress seizes “sweets”
Nothing good. In fact, this is not a solution to the problem, on the contrary, it aggravates it. In a stressful situation, your body needs useful reinforcement. He needs proteins, fats, vegetables and fruits rich in trace elements.
There is nothing of this in too sweet or salty, smoked or fried dishes. They do not contain any useful substances at all. Moreover, all these sweets and fast foods in themselves are a direct path to depression. After all, they increase the level of stress hormones – cortisol and adrenaline.
But first of all, let’s talk about the types of stress and why not all stress leads to depression.
Bad/good stress
There are two types of stress – eustress and distress. Examples of eustress are the pre-start jitters of an athlete before the start, the excitement of a student at an exam. In response to such a stressful situation, the body mobilizes all the forces and the athlete gives the maximum possible result, and the student fishes out the only correct answer to the ticket from the farthest corners of his memory. This stress is positive, and many people try to drive themselves into this state in order to get the best result.
Another thing is distress, a stressful condition that destroys the human psyche, and the whole organism as a whole. If you do not cope with it, it can deal a crushing blow to the body – formidable diseases begin to develop, phenomena appear that contribute to aging.
The degree of destruction of the body depends on how strong its defenses are. And there are only two ways to increase the level of protection – adequate nutrition during stress and physical activity
medicinal products
In a stressful situation, all vital systems, especially the nervous one, work for wear and tear, and nutrition during stress should fully cover the needs of your body. Below are the foods that you should definitely include in your diet.
Foods High in Digestible Protein
In a stressful situation, the body dramatically increases protein consumption. What if it’s not enough? Then own proteins are involved in protein metabolism – kidneys, liver, muscles, blood plasma. And first of all, the body will take protein from the “weakest link” itself – an organ already damaged by some disease. That is why during stress exacerbates chronic diseases and increases the risk of new pathologies.
Protein Sources:
- turkey meat, chicken
- tuna in own juice;
- eggs, seafood;
- white and red fish;
- dairy products
Products – sources of vitamins of group B
Studies show that B vitamins are indispensable in a stressful situation. No wonder they are sometimes called anti-stress vitamins or vitamins of happiness. B vitamins are involved in the synthesis of energy for the central nervous system, stimulate the cardiovascular and circulatory systems, and ensure the full functioning of the brain. Without their participation, the production of serotonin and dopamine, the most important neurotransmitters associated with depression, is inhibited.
Especially a lot of B vitamins contain:
- green vegetables – spinach, cabbage, lettuce, broccoli, beans;
- cereals, grains and cereals – brown rice, oatmeal, millet, buckwheat, grain sprouts, wheat germ;
- meat products – liver, beef, pork, poultry, chicken and beef hearts;
- dairy products – cottage cheese, yogurt, milk;
- nuts, sunflower seeds;
- fruits – pineapple, mango, strawberry.
Foods Containing Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids
Research shows that depression, psychiatric disorders, ADHD, and even marked brain shrinkage are associated with low levels of omega-3s in the body. Instead of stress-eating unhealthy foods, make sure your diet includes foods high in Omega 3:
- salmon, herring, sardines;
- leafy vegetables;
- flax seeds, linseed oil;
- nuts;
- vegetable oil.
Adaptogens are substances that increase the body’s resistance.
Adaptogens restore the balance of all organs and systems, nullify the negative effect of cortisol at the cellular level, and start metabolic processes. As a result, psychological stress is reduced, physical activity is easier to bear.
The most effective natural adaptogens:
- mummy;
- green tea;
- ginseng;
- echinacea;
- licorice;
- lemongrass.
Also contribute to the production of endorphins – hormones of happiness and sources of ready-made serotonin, such as bananas, high-quality dark chocolate (25-30 g per day), citrus fruits.
As you can see, the list of healing products is rather big, and this is very good – there are many opportunities to diversify the diet during stress.
Recipe for maintaining a healthy mind
The pandemic, the most difficult political situation in the world – we are all now experiencing severe stress, unknown to us before. But sooner or later, it will all end. And it is very important in this difficult time to maintain a stable psyche and health.
In many respects, what foods are included in your diet depends on how quickly you cope with a stressful situation. But if you are overwhelmed by emotions and you don’t know how to stop eating sugary stress, go for a walk instead of a cake.
Get moving – go for a run, start your day with a workout, include fitness in your daily routine. Remember – the first aid for stress is not sedatives and antidepressants, but proper nutrition and physical activity. These are two whales that will help you maintain a healthy mind in our difficult times. And it’s much healthier than candy and hamburgers.