Exercises for losing weight in thighs at home

How to remove fat from thighs

No one has yet been able to remove fat from the thighs locally (except for surgical methods, of course). But surgery is not our way. Therefore, let’s talk about natural ways to reduce the volume of thighs. 

In fitness, a universal formula for beautiful, slender legs has long been put into practice:

  • nutrition correction;
  • cardio loads;
  • strength exercises . 

Is it possible to lose weight in your thighs without training, limiting yourself only to reducing your daily calorie intake?

Can. But there are pitfalls – the fat goes away, and the skin becomes flabby and sags, because the fat deposits are gone, but the muscles have not appeared, so there is nothing to tighten. From an aesthetic point of view, it does not look very attractive. And, most likely, this is not the effect you dream of when you decide to lose weight in your hips.  

Reduce calories – start the weight loss process

When the body takes in fewer calories than it expends, it begins to use fat as energy. This difference is how you will lose extra pounds and volume.

Avoid strict diets; it is recommended to reduce the calorie content of the daily diet by no more than 10-15%. First of all, remove fatty foods and fast carbohydrates from the menu . Don’t worry if it seems like your hip size hasn’t changed much. Fat disappears gradually. For men, the stomach loses weight first, for girls, weight loss goes from top to bottom: face, chest (alas), stomach and only then thighs.

In parallel with the nutritional correction, introduce exercise into your daily regimen. 

How to train

  • Performing exercises to reduce thigh volume, like any other workout, begins with a simple warm-up. Start with walking in place, running with high hips, then move on to joint exercises – bending, turning, rotating. 

  • After the muscles have warmed up and the body has adjusted to intense work, proceed directly to the exercises.

  • Include cardio and strength training in the bulk of each workout. 

  • Finish your workout with a cool-down. Do 1-2 breathing exercises, then do 2-4 static stretching exercises. This way the muscle tissue will recover faster.

  • Train 2-3 times a week, your body needs rest.

Cardio exercises to reduce thigh size

The most popular cardio exercise is running at a heart rate of 120-130 beats per minute. Promotes weight loss, including reducing the size of the thighs. 

Cycling, jumping rope, trail running, and brisk walking are also effective for burning fat and losing weight in the thighs. 

Dance training will help not only reduce lung capacity but also master dance steps. 

Power training

What’s great about strength training is the ability to vary the load. If you train according to the same program, the body gets used to it, and progress stops. Strength exercises can be made more complicated, done with or without weights, and the number of repetitions and approaches can be varied. This significantly increases the effectiveness of training. 

For training, you will need a minimum of equipment – a fitness band and dumbbells (you can replace them with plastic containers of water or heavy books). 

Bodyweight exercises

Strength training doesn’t always require weights. Many exercises for losing weight in the thighs are performed with your own weight. 

Start with a small number of repetitions – 12-15, do 1-2 sets. This is a load for beginners. You can increase their number as much as possible. But don’t push yourself to the point of overtraining. Increase the load gradually and at the same time be sure to monitor the correct technique for performing the exercises.

Swing your legs from a lying position

Lie on your right side, legs straight, one on top of the other. Perform 12-15 swings to the side with your left leg, then lie on your left side and do the same number of swings with your right leg.


This is one of the most effective strength exercises for defining the muscles of the legs, especially the front of the thigh. The exercise also works well on the gluteal muscles. Another advantage of lunges is their energy consumption. The multi-joint movement engages large groups of large and small muscles and burns calories intensely.

Side lunges

This exercise works well on the inner thigh and gluteal muscles.

Taking the leg back and forth from a standing position

Bulgarian lunges

This is a more complicated version of the classic lunge – the leg that is behind is located on an elevation. Thanks to this non-standard position, the muscles of the legs and buttocks receive an atypical training load and a powerful impetus for development.

But if you have problems with the knee joint, Bulgarian lunges should not be included in your training. After all, 70%-80% of the load falls on the knee joint of the leg in front (in classic lunges – 50-60%).


Effectively loads the quadriceps and gluteal muscles. It is important to follow safety precautions – do not round your back, always point your knees in the same direction as your socks.

Plie squats

Stand next to your back, turn your feet out as far as you feel comfortable, there should be no pain. Remove the lumbar arch, twist your tailbone. Squat down slowly, stretching your knees out to the sides. Remember safety – do not round your back so that the load does not transfer to the lumbar region.

Plie squats specifically load the quadriceps and inner thighs.

Exercises with dumbbells

Using dumbbells as weights allows you to expend more effort when performing exercises to lose weight on your thighs, increasing the load on the muscles.


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