Cooldown is an important part of the workout

What should be done after a workout in the very first place? Take a shower? Eat? Relax on the sofa? Not! The correct end to a workout is a hitch. Skipping it means harming health and reducing the effectiveness of classes.



American physiologists say that the post-workout phase is one of the most important in any sports program. A quick transition from an active to a passive state has a bad effect on the effectiveness of classes and on health in general.


Let’s figure out what happens when we end a workout abruptly.



  • Increased stress on the heart



During active exercise, the muscles contract dynamically and help the heart pump blood. When this activity stops abruptly, all the work of blood circulation falls on the heart. He has to fight even harder and harder than in training. If you are in poor shape or have chronic heart failure, you run the risk of exacerbating your problems.



  • Circulation is disturbed



When the heart can’t cope with the restoration of blood circulation after the abrupt end of a workout, blood stagnates in the muscles. Nutrients and oxygen cease to flow to the brain and internal organs. This leads to dizziness, nausea and fainting.


Muscles do not get enough nutrients and do not grow. In addition, lactic acid accumulates in them – the cause of post-workout pain.

  • Blood pressure and temperature drop sharply




Like the warm-up, the cool-down lasts 5-10 minutes and does not require much effort. There are two types of cool down: stretching and cardio. The first is necessary after power loads. The second is suitable for recovery after aerobic.





After strength training, the muscles are in a tense state. This prevents their recovery and harms the joints. Muscles will begin to grow only when they are completely relaxed. Of course, you can wait until they return to normal on their own, but this will take several hours. Stretching allows you to relax your muscles in just 5 minutes! In addition, it increases the flexibility of muscles and joints, which will further protect you from sprains and other injuries. You need to stretch only those muscles that were subjected to stress in training.


Perform movements gently and easily, without pain. Your goal is to rest, not to become a gymnast.


The ideal cool down after a strength workout is 5 minutes of cardio and 5 minutes of stretching.



cardio training



After intense aerobic exercise, cardio will give the brain a signal that the load is over and you can relax. Your pulse and breathing will recover, your temperature will drop, and you can safely return to your daily activities.

What cardio exercises are good for a cool down?


  • swimming,
  • running turning into walking
  • cycling,
  • ellipse lesson,
  • rope exercises (with a decrease in intensity).



Attention: a hitch is a return of the body to a calm state and a signal that the rest has begun. Perform exercises at a slow and easy pace to calm the body, and not tire it completely. 


During intense workouts, body temperature can reach 38 degrees, which is why it is so important after a workout to properly “cool down” the body before going outside or taking a shower. Too cold or hot water can affect the pressure (which also increases during training) and cause fainting.


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