How to get rid of withers on the neck

Another problem that worries many women is the withers or ” widow’s hump ” on the neck in the region of the 7th vertebra.
A set of excess weight leads to the formation of a specific fat deposit – the “withers”, which grows faster every year.
You can hear that the name of the disease “widow’s hump” comes from the Middle Ages, when men practically did not live up to the modern “mature” age and it was believed that the hump grows more often on the neck of widows.
Now this disease has changed significantly with age. And since the “bump” at the back of the neck does not look aesthetically pleasing, the question of how to get rid of the withers on the neck worries more and more young women. This is natural because in the area of \u200b\u200bthe “bump” the mobility and sensitivity of the neck decrease. And the larger the size of the “withers”, the greater the likelihood of a variety of diseases.
Often the disease manifests itself in such symptoms:
- headache;
- pain in the spine;
- hand numbness;
- deterioration in posture;
- sleep problems;
- aching pain in the shoulders and neck.
Most often, withers are formed in people who are busy with many hours of “sedentary” work or study. Very often, such problems occur in athletes after an injury, as well as in people after accidents, bruises and falls.
How to remove the withers on the neck
What to do when a hump grows, the doctor should determine.
The main type of treatment is treatment with movement and massage, which contribute to the resorption of the “withers”. With such treatment, not only physiological changes occur, but also cosmetic ones, that is, not only health is restored, but also beauty.
Special exercises that will help get rid of the withers on the neck can be done at home if the disease is not running.
These exercises are simple, but require daily performance and rather for a sufficiently long time, depending on the degree of the problem:
- stretching the head forward and backward at a slow pace;
- tilting the head forward and backward;
- turning the head to the left and right sides;
- shoulder rotation. Raise them simultaneously up and down, move forward and backward;
Exercises for posture and to get rid of the withers on the neck
Every morning, it is important to perform simple and effective exercises with a gymnastic stick for the back for 2-3 minutes, which, in addition to improving posture, will also help get rid of the withers on the neck:
- standing straight with a gymnastic stick held by the hands behind the back at the level of the shoulder blades;
- side bends;
- forward bends.
An important role in getting rid of the withers on the neck is massage. It is necessary to massage the entire back and collar area, as well as the shoulder girdle and arms.
Massage allows you to establish metabolism, and blood supply, which will lead to the “acceleration” of fat.
Useful and self-massage at home using a warming cream (ointment). You need to massage the back of the neck, “dispersing” the seals on the sides.
Together, measures to get rid of withers and prevention will be:
- special exercises at home;
- fitness classes or Pilates or yoga;
- massage by a specialist in courses at least 2-3 times a year;
- constant self-massage of the cervical region;
- active lifestyle walks in the fresh air;
- diet: you should refuse fatty, fried, smoked, and salty foods, excluding flour products, and sugar from the diet.
Without fear, you can eat boiled chicken meat, fish. It is advisable to eat more vegetables and fruits (with the exception of potatoes and bananas, respectively). A balanced diet will allow you to avoid gaining excess weight, which negatively affects the size of the “withers”.
But there is one more important condition – there must be a burning desire to have a beautiful and even back in order to always be in an attractive shape, both at work, at home, and on vacation.