Food Facts

What are food substitutes?

In the modern context of the global problem of obesity, low-calorie food substitute enriched with useful substances is one of the most important achievements. (more…)


11 Apr 2021


The encyclopedia says that dried fruits are a variety of fruits dried in the sun or in special dryers with residual moisture not exceeding 20%. Today their popularity is higher than ever – they have become a full-fledged part of everyday and sports nutrition.



13 Mar 2021

What is the keto diet

The ketogenic diet was developed for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases, but it proved to be so effective in the fight against excess weight that it quickly became widespread as one of the effective methods of losing weight. Now it is used by athletes, entrepreneurs and Hollywood stars. It belongs to the group of low-carbohydrate diets, that is, it contains a minimum amount of saccharides, but a lot of fats and proteins. The daily diet of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in percentage looks like this: 20/55/5, respectively.



13 Feb 2021


Diet for pancreatitis: what and how to eat right?

When treating pancreatitis, diet and medication are equally important. Adequate nutrition helps keep the pancreas healthy and not relapse into flare-ups.

Nutrition rules for pancreatitis Pancreatitis are dangerous because it quickly becomes chronic.

To prevent attacks from recurring, it is important to follow a fairly strict diet. Its main rules:

  1. Do not overdo it on fat and carbohydrates.
  2. Exclude fried foods, smoked meats, and pickles from the diet. Food must be prepared in a dietary manner.
  3. You need to eat in small portions, but often.
  4. Approximately every 3 hours. Dishes should not be eaten hot or cold.
  5. Food should be moderately warm. Pre-grind food with a blender.
  6. It is important to chew food thoroughly, eat slowly, do not rush.
  7. Drinking food is strongly discouraged.

What can you eat with pancreatitis?

It may seem that with pancreatitis it is impossible to eat tasty and varied food, but this is not so. The following products are allowed for use:

  1. Vegetable salads and purees. Usually, they are made from green beans, zucchini, beets, potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, celery.
  2. Vegetable soups, borsch.
  3. Lean boiled meat (chicken, beef). Boiled fish.
  4. Low-fat dairy products. Pure milk is not recommended; it is better to cook meals on it.
  5. Cheese.
  6. Cereals and porridge made from them, cooked in milk. Chicken egg proteins.
  7. Sweet apples.
  8. Lightly dried bread.
  9. Small pasta.
  10. Dried apple or pear compotes.
  11. Green tea.
  12. Vegetable oils as a dressing or a small amount of butter.

What can not be eaten with pancreatitis?

The diseased organ needs a gentle diet. Re-inflammation can be triggered by eating such foods:

  1. Fatty broths and soups based on them.
  2. Fatty meat and lard.
  3. Smoked, salted, dried meat. Sausages. Smoked or salted fish, boiled oily fish.
  4. Canned meat, fish, or vegetables.
  5. Any fried food. Egg yolks of any bird.
  6. Fast food products. Hamburgers, pies, pizza, pancakes, and similar pastries.
  7. Any sauces, hot spices. Legumes. Mushrooms.
  8. Sour greens, berries, and fruits. Dried fruits (figs, raisins).
  9. Sweets and sweet pastries.
  10. Sweet carbonated drinks.
  11. Strong tea, coffee, cocoa.
  12. Fresh bread or any other hot baked goods.

What does an approximate menu for a day look like for pancreatitis?

For breakfast, patients with pancreatitis usually eat milk porridge, milk noodle soup, or boiled noodles. For drinking, let’s say tea with milk, jelly, dried fruit compote. It is served with biscuits or dried bread.

Lunch is a vegetable puree soup, boiled rice or mashed potatoes with boiled meat or fish, tea or jelly.
For an afternoon snack, they usually eat cottage cheese casserole, drink jelly, or eat jelly.

For dinner, a salad of vegetables, a piece of boiled meat or fish, jelly or dried fruit compote is supposed to be used. Snacking is important during pancreatitis. As a snack, baked apples, cottage cheese, cheese, biscuit biscuits, vegetable puree, vegetable salads are suitable.

A diet for patients with pancreatitis is necessary in order not to provoke a relapse of the disease. It is important to cook and eat food correctly. This will reduce the stress on the stomach and make the pancreas easier to work.


19 Jan 2021

What are nutrients and why are they so necessary

Many people who want to switch to proper nutrition can be confused in terms that are somehow related to a healthy lifestyle. For example, not everyone has an idea of ​​what nutrients are. A certain amount of knowledge will help to understand the situation.

So, having a clear understanding of the nutrients, it is much easier to determine the right menu for yourself. A person’s diet should be formed not only based on the calorie content of certain dishes, but also taking into account the composition of the products. Only in this case can you count on the fact that the diet will really be healthy.

What are nutrients and why are they so necessary

The term nutrients means biologically active elements of food that determine the life support of the body. Literally translated from English, it means – nutrients. There are macro- and micronutrients. The first group includes critical nutrients, that is, proteins, carbohydrates and fats – the main food organic compounds, and the second group includes additional elements – minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.

The need for nutrients is huge, because it is they who are involved in metabolic processes. It is they who are converted through metabolism, and the body is saturated with energy from the calories received. And micronutrients provide local functionality of organs and systems. For example, iodine creates all the necessary conditions for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland.

As a result, the body receives less nutrients and a condition called micronutrient deficiency occurs. Iron deficiency is most commonly felt, leading to iron deficiency anemia. To check the general condition, it is recommended to donate blood and assess the level of hemoglobin. In any case, if unpleasant symptoms appear in the form of malaise and weakness, you should consult a doctor. And already he will conduct a thorough research and find out if there is a lack of nutrients and how much is needed.

Common Nutrient Classification

As already mentioned, all nutrients are divided into two large groups: micronutrients are groups of substances necessary for local functioning (minerals and vitamins) and macronutrients that make up the main classes of organic nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water). In addition to the main classes, there are more than ten other types of substances required by the body. But we will consider in detail only the most important ones.

  1. MacronutrientsThis is a class of essential nutrients that the body needs in significant quantities to support life. They are a resource for obtaining energy, providing vitality to all systems and organs. These substances are recognized as proteins, carbohydrates and fats – the foundation for a healthy and balanced diet.
    • Protein

    Protein is the number one nutrient. The whole organism, all muscles, organs and even cells – everything is protein. Proteins are classified as fast and slow.

    The fast ones include those that contain the most fragmented amino acids in the composition. In order to process and assimilate them, the body makes almost no effort. Egg or milk proteins are fast food nutrients. Their need for the body is especially high after physical exertion.

    Slow proteins are those nutrients that contain amino acids that are tightly bound together. Due to this feature, the protein is processed for a long time, and for a long time provides the body with energy. It is best to include protein in the diet not late in the evening or in the morning, given the lack of snacks. Cottage cheese and low-fat cheeses are ideal.

    • Fats

    Many people believe that fatty foods are harmful and should be eliminated from the diet. This is not entirely true. Fats can be divided into two groups: saturated and unsaturated. It is necessary to figure out which fats the body can do without, and which not. Saturated fats include fast food, sauces, cold meats, and butter. They should be consumed to a minimum. The daily dosage of saturated fat is equivalent to a piece of butter in 10 g. Unsaturated fats are nutrients that have great benefits for the body, their consumption should not be sharply limited.

    • Carbohydrates

    The most complex and large-scale group of nutrients is carbohydrates. A large number of people are overweight and have other health problems. The reason for this is the excessive consumption of carbohydrate foods. All kinds of baked goods, fast food, potatoes, bread, sweets and cakes – all this incredibly overloads the body, forcing the metabolic system to work hard.

    The group of carbohydrates is divided into complex and simple. The subgroup of simple carbohydrates includes glucose and fructose. Some starches and fiber are complex. The function of these nutrients, the degree of benefit or harm, depends on the glycemic index of the nutrient – that is, the rate that is required to increase the blood sugar.

    • Cellulose

    Fiber belongs to the complex carbohydrate class. The main feature is that this type of nutrient is absolutely not digested in the stomach and is not absorbed in the body. However, the benefits of fiber are great, as it enhances intestinal motility and aids digestion and stabilizes sugar levels.

  2. MicronutrientsThis class includes vitamins, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants and phytonutrients. They are necessary for the body in the same way as macronutrients, but their daily intake is much lower and is measured in hundredths, and sometimes even thousandths of a gram.
    • Vitamins

    There is no calorie content in this subclass of substances. Vitamins are nutrients that are not a resource for energy. Their role is determined by the local function of organs and their systems.

    • Minerals

    This type of nutrient is composed of macro and micronutrients. Macronutrients include phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium, and calcium. There are several times more trace elements. All of them serve for the benefit of metabolic work.

  3. Chondroprotectors are a type of nutrient that determines metabolic processes in bone and cartilage tissue. For example, the micronutrient glucosamine has an effect on joint fluid density. It can be found in animal foods such as skin, tendons, cartilage, and bones. In addition, it can be used in the form of dietary supplements.

01 Dec 2020


Over time, the body gets used to any load. The meaning of the training process is development, movement forward. You most likely know that you need to constantly increase the intensity and magnitude of the loads, and do it gradually and competently. There are a lot of building parameters – these are working weight, the number of approaches, the time for rest pauses, etc.


If you want to become strong, healthy, resilient (emphasize the necessary), it is important to calculate your path from the beginning of the exercise to a measurable result. As in professional sports, in fitness it is important to observe periodization – this is a cyclical change in the intensity, focus, and type of training. Simply put, in order to achieve a goal, on the way to it, you need to correctly build and complete intermediate tasks that will eventually bring you closer to the result.

It is imperative to plan training loads (the more detailed the better):

  • exercises;
  • number of sets;
  • number of repetitions;
  • warm-up weights with a special warm-up;
  • the working weight of the projectile;
  • the pace of the exercise;
  • rest-pause time.


The current program should be scheduled for at least 4–6 weeks since during this time any physical quality develops best – strength, endurance, speed. If you continue to do the same thing, the results from training will gradually begin to fade away.

Beginners can change their training program even more often – every 2-3 weeks. This mode is optimal for the body’s systems to adapt to the load.

If the work experience is long enough, the stability of the nervous system and the level of general physical fitness are at a decent level, the duration of one program may be longer. But more often it does not exceed 2-3 months.


21 Nov 2020


This situation is familiar to everyone who is faced with the problem of excess weight. You open the refrigerator door and freeze for a few minutes, wondering what delicacy will brighten up the hateful diet. At the same time, so that without harm to the figure … Do you know that there are products that not only are not deposited in centimeters at the waist, but also noticeably reduce the existing ones? (more…)


25 Oct 2020


Having made the decision to lose weight, a person thinks little about the nuances of his own weight loss. Of course, there are certain undeniable principles to help you lose weight. However, it is still worth figuring out which tricks will bring you closer to your intended goal faster. And one of these tricks is to take into account your gender when choosing certain foods since male and female nutrition is different.

Unfortunately for the beautiful half of humanity, the male body is physiologically designed so that it is easier for him to burn fat than the female. This is due to the fact that the structure of the female fat cell is larger than the male – as a result, women lose weight much more slowly than men, and gain very quickly. In addition, a woman’s body contains more fat-forming enzymes that store fat.

The reproductive function of the female body is another “weighting agent” on losing weight. The sex hormone estrogen affects the activity of fat formation in a woman’s body. That is why a woman is gaining weight during maturation, pregnancy, and taking hormonal drugs. This is a prerequisite for women’s health.



Regulate our diet and visit the fitness club more often, because, as a rule, a man burns more calories during the day than a woman. Another aspect is the attitude towards food. The man eats to eat. Most often it is protein (meat), which serves as a building material for muscles, which, by the way, are more in men. The woman, on the other hand, pays more attention to carbohydrates – cereals, vegetable salads, etc. Moreover, we are all familiar with the situation when a woman seizes stress with sweet buns or ice cream.


By fundamentally changing your attitude to food – eating to live, not living to eat – you will be able to defeat endless hunger. Distract yourself with something, choose something to your liking: visit a beauty salon (do you really want your new hairstyle to fade against the background of fat folds?) Or go to a dance (liberation and love for your own body is another condition for successful weight loss).


29 Sep 2020


Whey protein is a popular sports supplement that is high in protein and amino acids. In our article, you will learn how to take it to gain muscle mass when playing sports. (more…)


30 Aug 2020


Let’s talk about a low-carb and low-carb diet and give a sample menu for every day. Today, a diet without carbohydrates and fats or a diet without carbohydrates is one of the most popular dietary principles. (more…)


08 Aug 2020