Healthy eating on the go

 Life in a metropolis is like a constant movement on the highway: a lot of things to do, little time. And there is no time to think about such “unimportant” things as breakfast and lunch. However, proper nutrition is an essential element of a healthy lifestyle. Without it, fitness will not be effective, and training will not be effective. We have prepared simple tips for you on how to make the “on the run” diet healthy!

1.      Prioritize

Health care is an important part of your life, so you have already found time for training? Now pay attention to your diet. Eating right and exercising go hand in hand when it comes to chronic disease prevention and staying fit.

To improve your diet, replace unhealthy foods with healthy alternatives. Do you know the difference between ice cream and sorbet? Between potato and zucchini chips? If not, you need to master some nutritional basics. Ask your club’s personal trainer what books and articles will help you master the basics of healthy eating.

2.      Balance your diet

Use the food pyramid. Each meal should include fruits and vegetables, protein (milk, meat, fish, soy, vegetable proteins), and grain products. Vegetables and fruits should take up half of your “plate”, a quarter – of protein dishes, and a quarter – of grains. Read labels, and choose products with less fat.

3.      Eat delicious meals

Healthy doesn’t mean bad. You need to leave the table in a good mood and with a full stomach. The easiest and fastest way to make a dish tasty is seasoning. In the store, you will find hundreds of types of spices and sauces – experiment with them. Add them to meat, pasta, rice, and stewed vegetables. Try also nuts, garlic, and greens – they are all useful. A variety of seasonings will expand the range of healthy and tasty dishes that are easy to prepare.

4.      Build habits

You waste time and nerves if every day you think about what to cook, and after work, you run to the store to buy the missing ingredients. Think over several options for breakfasts and lunches for every day – let them become familiar to you. For dinner, make a weekly plan, for example, Monday – turkey, Tuesday – casserole, Wednesday – stew, Thursday – fish, and so on (substitute the dishes you like). Habits will relieve unnecessary stress.

5.      Plan your trip to the store

Let your shopping become rational. In order not to run circles from department to department, make a shopping list – a map of the route through the supermarket. Buy non-perishable food for all meals that are included in the weekly plan. Plan receptions and other events in advance to avoid urgent trips to the store at the last minute.

6.      Cook at your convenience

Eating healthy isn’t a hassle if you make it convenient. To do this, you need to clean up the kitchen: the key ingredients should always be at hand.

Ready for one? Freeze meat in batches. Buy vegetables in small quantities, or keep the excess frozen.

Feed the whole family? Choose products that are easy to adapt to everyone’s taste preferences. 

Prepare a few meals for the week ahead to save time on workdays.

7.      Eat right out of the house

Even in fast food restaurants, you can find healthy food. Pay attention to grilled chicken, sandwiches without mayonnaise and cheese, vegetable rolls, and salads. At restaurants with a wider choice, order steamed vegetables, and low-fat main courses. Avoid gravies, fatty meats, sauces, and cream-based soups.


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