When is the best time to go for a run if you want to get in shape?

Where is the best place to run?
Running is a sport that requires almost no special conditions or additional equipment, but still it is better to run where there are few people. This will not only reduce the risk of collisions, but also allow you to independently regulate the intensity of your workout. An ideal place for jogging would be a stadium with a special coating or the nearest park. Both options, by the way, have their pros and cons.
The stadium has all the conditions for a comfortable and safe run, but in this case, the run turns into a workout, it will be more difficult for you to relax and just enjoy the process. A run in the park is more like a walk, especially when the weather is nice, but parks don’t have running surfaces, so it’s important to wear the right shoes for park runs. Of course, you can run indoors, at home or in the gym, but this option is preferable in winter or in bad weather.
Morning run: benefits and tips
Running in the morning or in the evening has its pros and cons. And for each person it is individual, but you can highlight the general benefits of jogging in the morning. First of all, morning workouts will tone your body. They give energy for the whole day, which significantly affects the increase in efficiency. In addition, running in the morning reduces the feeling of hunger, which is a big plus for those who want to lose weight.
Recommendations for those who want to run in the morning:
- The best time to run in the morning is when you are fully awake. It is believed that this is from 8 to 11 hours. Do not immediately run after waking up. The whole body must be allowed to wake up;
- choose comfortable clothes in which you will not be cold or hot;
- be sure to run after a warm-up, it is very important to pre-warm up the muscles;
- in the process, follow the correct breathing: inhale – through the nose, exhale – through the mouth;
- do not exercise on an empty stomach. If you feel hungry, then have a light snack, for example, in the form of dried fruits;
- the end of the run should not be abrupt. Gradually reduce the pace, and then go to the step;
- do not run less than an hour after eating;
- Drink a glass of water 20 minutes before your run.
- any sport requires a gradual increase in load, you should not exhaust yourself too much by running on the first day;
- showering after a run is a great option.
When is the best time to run – in the evening or in the morning?
Sports coaches cannot give an unequivocal answer at what time it is better to do jogging, in the morning or in the evening.
It all depends on a number of factors, in particular:
- What type of people does a particular person belong to – “lark” or “owl”.
If a person is a sleeper, but morning running will be torture for him. Therefore, it is advisable for such people to transfer training to the evening.
- The runner’s plans for the current day, for example, it is better not to do sports in the morning if you plan to take blood tests or you need to undergo an ultrasound examination of the body.
Jogging can skew the results of blood tests or ultrasounds.
Set goals, for example, for:
- weight loss is optimal to run from 7 to 8 in the morning;
- pleasure – it is allowed to go to the start at any convenient time;
- strengthening muscle tone, better before lunch;
- Relieving stress is best to arrange jogging in the evenings.
Combining morning and evening runs gives good results, for example, the first week the runner trains in the morning, and the second at 18.00.
Benefits of morning runs
Most people prefer morning runs.
According to sports coaches and ordinary citizens, running from 6 to 9 in the morning has numerous advantages, among the most important:
- Getting a charge of vivacity and energy.
- Great mental attitude for a hard day at work.
When a person has done a jog in the morning, he comes to work in high spirits and endures stressful situations more easily.
- The opportunity to train when there are few people and passing cars on the street.
- Until 8 am the air is 2 times fresher and cleaner.
- A great test of willpower.
Since you have to get up especially early in the morning, classes are an excellent test of character, endurance and willpower.
- Getting rid of extra pounds.
61% of sports trainers and nutritionists claim that running from 6 to 8 in the morning is more effective for losing weight than similar activities, but from 19:00.
Cons of morning runs
Despite the fact that running in the morning has many positive aspects, such activities also have a number of disadvantages.
The main ones include:
- The need to get up early.
People involved in running notice that if they go to the start before work or study, they have to get up, on average, 40-60 minutes earlier.
- It is required to strictly control the time in order to finish the workout on time and be in time for work or school.
- Perhaps there will be muscle pain or physical fatigue, which will prevent you from fully devoting yourself to the work or educational process.
Muscle pain and physical fatigue will not manifest itself over time. As a rule, after 4 – 5 runs, a person has an emotional upsurge and a surge of strength.
Morning run is bad for health
There is an opinion that morning jogging is unhealthy, because the body, which has not yet had time to wake up, will have a hard time enduring the load. This is usually said by lovers of evening walks or those who simply find it hard to get up in the morning. I must say that the harm of morning jogging is a myth. People who run in the morning receive an increased body tone, a charge of vivacity and a good mood as a bonus. In the morning, the body mobilizes its resources and is ready to spend them on sports.
True, it is necessary to make a reservation here, you should not be guided by the principle: “When you get up, then it’s morning.” The best time for a morning run is between 11 and 12 noon. Unfortunately, not everyone can stick to such a schedule. Therefore, you have to shift the jogging time to the evening.
Benefits of an evening run
Many people prefer to run in the evenings. Such training, according to runners and sports coaches, also has a number of positive aspects.
The most important include:
- Getting rid of stress and nervous strains that have accumulated over the whole day.
It is noted that all anxiety, bad mood and apathy instantly go away if you run for 20-30 minutes after 6-7 pm.
- No need to get up 40-60 minutes earlier.
- Any amount of time is spent on training, because. no need to rush to finish the lesson as soon as possible in order to be in time for work.
A huge plus is the ability to immediately come home at the end of the run, take a shower and lie down to rest, which is unacceptable for a person who trains in the morning.
Evening jogging normalizes sleep
Adherents of evening jogging note that running helps them take a break from work or study, “switch”, free their heads from unnecessary thoughts, and deal with stress. After an evening run, it is easier to fall asleep, and sleep becomes calmer and stronger. Is it worth it to believe? Worth it, though, if you are a night owl.
The main advice from doctors is: “Jog time should be chosen taking into account your biological rhythms.” If you’re a morning person and can easily wake up at 5am, why not spend some time jogging before breakfast? And if you are an owl and it’s hard for you to even get out of bed in the morning, then what kind of run can we talk about? It will be much easier and more pleasant for you to run in the evenings, when you feel a surge of energy and are ready for sports exploits.
Disadvantages of evening running
Evening running has some negative points, the main ones include:
- Physical fatigue that makes it difficult to tune in and force yourself to go running.
According to sports trainers, 60% of people who plan to go for a run after work postpone training to another day due to extreme fatigue or a great desire to go to bed early.
- More dirty air, in comparison with the morning hours.
- There is a greater number of people in parks, squares and other places where a person planned to train.
- There is a possibility of insomnia.