Jumping and trampoline exercises. Benefit and harm

Trampolining is a recreational activity as well as a competitive Olympic sport in which athletes perform acrobatic exercises while jumping on a trampoline. Competitions may include simple jumps or more complex combinations.
Outside of competitions, trampolining is an acrobatic gymnastics that is used to train astronauts or to maintain physical tone. Often trampolining is used for circus tricks and other recreational activities.
Trampoline jumping technique consists of combinations that combine various rotations, turns with landing in one of four positions:
- On your feet.
- On the buttocks.
- Frontal fall.
- Fall back.
Generally, exercises should always begin and end on the feet.
The first individual competitions were held in colleges and schools in the United States , and later in Europe. In the early years, competitions did not have a specific format. Gradually the competitions became more codified, thus paving the way for the first World Championships, which were held in London in 1964.
In 1969, the first European Championship was held in Paris . From that time until 2010, the European and World Championships were held in different years. Now the world championships are held annually.
In the US, the trampoline has been introduced into school physical education programs and has also been used in private entertainment centers. However, after a series of injuries and lawsuits caused by insufficient supervision and inadequate training, the trampoline is now mainly used in specialist gyms with certified trainers.
In other parts of the world, the sport was most actively promoted in Europe and the former Soviet Union. Since the trampoline became an Olympic sport in 2000, many other countries have begun developing exercise and training programs.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, trampolining is characterized by exercise at a moderate level of intensity . These exercises are in the same class as gymnastics and light yoga and are the best suited for the gradual reduction of body weight.
One of the new products was jumping fitness , with which you can quickly lose weight. Classes are held on a special trampoline to music. This type of fitness can be called trampoline aerobics. Treadmills: mechanical, magnetic or electric.
Calorie burn on a trampoline depends on factors such as overall fitness level, gender, age, exercise level, and weight. For example, a woman weighing 60 kg burns about 143 calories per hour on a trampoline. This is comparable to an hour of walking, but there is no load on the joints of the legs.
One of the lesser known facts is that studies have shown trampolining to be one of the most beneficial methods for reducing cellulite.
This form of exercise is better than running and many other forms of exercise. Many people dislike running as the main downside of running is the physical stress on the legs, so using a trampoline is a great option for the elderly and obese.
Trampoline exercises:
- Stimulate metabolism.
- Train the vestibular apparatus.
- Improve oxygen circulation in tissues.
- Improve lymph circulation.
- Strengthen the heart.
- Increases energy and vitality.
In addition, they provide physical and mental benefits for both adults and children.
The cardiovascular system
Unlike some sports such as jogging and tennis, trampolining has a comparatively low impact on the joints . This is because your vertical acceleration and deceleration is absorbed by the platform, which absorbs over 80% of the impact.
strong bones
This type of exercise improves the mineral state of the bone tissue. Each jump is equivalent to twice the force of gravity: the force that allows you to develop, helping to prevent bone disease or osteoporosis. This is because the trampoline absorbs most of the impact of your landing, protecting your joints while strengthening your muscles.
mental health
Jumping can make you feel happier, more positive, and even more confident. Endorphins, mood-enhancing natural substances, are released through all exercise, including:
- run;
- cycling;
- weight lifting;
- sex.
But the fun factor of jumping up and down will make you smile and laugh and feel really happy, which is good for your overall health.
Acceleration of metabolism
Trampoline exercise has been proven to increase metabolic rate, helping the body absorb nutrients more efficiently, which has a positive effect on weight.
Coordination and skills
This is a great way to develop skills that allow you to perform a series of activities that require concentration at the same time. Jumping and other exercises have a positive effect on bilateral motor skills, and also allow you to control different muscles and limbs at the same time.
A home trampoline provides a certain space in which you can exercise. You don’t have to commute to the gym or tennis courts, you don’t have to find a route to run or bike, you don’t even have to change into special clothes.
It is recommended to jump on it for at least five minutes a day to increase cellular oxygenation, strengthen weak muscles and joints, improve aerobic capacity and, most importantly, cleanse the lymphatic system. And finally, this is a very interesting way to train.
Children and trampolining
Jumping stimulates almost all the senses of children, which leads to brain activity. Since visual and auditory functions are directly regulated by the vestibular system, bouncing helps the development of vision, visual-motor skills.
Trampolines also provide rich proprioceptive input, information from muscles and joints, and kinesthetic awareness (information about movement and body navigation in space). This input is critical to developing body awareness and spatial awareness .
Jumping movements create a constantly changing center of gravity. Children learn to sense these gravitational shifts and respond accordingly by adjusting their positions.
As they move up and down, there is a constant flow of messages between both sides of the body and the brain to ensure balance is maintained.
The sense of balance, timing, agility and rhythm acquired during these movements improves overall coordination and aids in the development and acquisition of new motor skills.
Ten minutes of jumping is a better workout than thirty minutes of running. While strengthening overall fitness, jumping also improves digestion, blood circulation , stimulates internal organs, promotes lymphatic circulation and drainage, and strengthens the immune system.
Improving oxygen circulation to your children’s brains can help them feel more alert as well as improve concentration. Plus, increased oxygen circulation stimulates the release of endorphins, neurotransmitters that can reduce stress and anxiety and promote happiness!
For children and novice athletes, you need to first learn the basics , such elements as jumping up and the ability to land correctly on your legs, stomach or back. More complex tricks should be mastered only under the guidance of an experienced trainer who will insure against falls and guide the training.
In today’s world, where young people and younger children are increasingly addicted to inactivity, a trampoline is a great way to help physical development, brain development, and neurological organization.
The following are known contraindications for trampoline exercise:
- Problems with the heart or circulation.
- Down Syndrome.
- Scoliosis.
- Respiratory problems.
- Dizziness.
- Nausea;
- Epilepsy;
- problems with the spinal cord or neck;
- open wounds;
- Any recent medical attention;
- Brittle bones, osteoporosis;
- Unstable, hypermobile, painful joints;
- Hernia;
- implant surgery;
- gastrostomy;
- gastric reflux;
- Urinary incontinence.
Absolute contraindications
Jumping is absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women, as it can cause disturbances in the uterus and harm the child. In addition, the extra stress can be detrimental to the mother, whose vital organs are already functioning at a higher than normal level.
Retinal dissection. This disorder is caused when the retina begins to separate from the eye socket. The trampoline can lead to further retinal detachment, leading to complete blindness.
The following are known contraindications for trampoline exercise:
- Problems with the heart or circulation.
- Down Syndrome.
- Scoliosis.
- Respiratory problems.
- Dizziness.
- Nausea;
- Epilepsy;
- problems with the spinal cord or neck;
- open wounds;
- Any recent medical attention;
- Brittle bones, osteoporosis;
- Unstable, hypermobile, painful joints;
- Hernia;
- implant surgery;
- gastrostomy;
- gastric reflux;
- Urinary incontinence.
Absolute contraindications
Jumping is absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women, as it can cause disturbances in the uterus and harm the child. In addition, the extra stress can be detrimental to the mother, whose vital organs are already functioning at a higher than normal level.
Retinal dissection. This disorder is caused when the retina begins to separate from the eye socket. The trampoline can lead to further retinal detachment, leading to complete blindness.
Trampoline exercises for children
If you decide to send your child to sports or just diversify his everyday life with active activities, choose trampoline exercises for children! These fun exercises will instill in your child a love of sports, give strength and energy to study. If you still doubt whether it is worth doing this, then read this article and all questions will disappear.
Is it good for children to jump on a trampoline
Of course, it is useful for children to jump on a trampoline. In addition to excellent entertainment during the game, the mood improves. Active loads make the blood run faster, it better supplies oxygen to all organs. This improves digestion and strengthens the respiratory system. Regular exercise strengthens the muscles. In the future, the risk of sprains is reduced.
The main advantage of regular trampoline exercises is the training of the vestibular apparatus. A trampoline is the best trainer for this. But it is necessary to choose the right trampoline for the child for classes. How to do this, you can find out here.
With regular exercises, the vestibular apparatus becomes more susceptible to stress, which in the future will prevent problems with motion sickness in transport, improve coordination of movements and overall muscle tone. Children will love adding new elements to the workouts that they themselves come up with – bouncing, turning, running in the air.
If the child is engaged in a trampoline center, then these activities will develop communication skills in the child. An appetite will appear after an active pastime, and mothers of babies will not have to force them to have lunch.
But trampoline jumping is especially useful for schoolchildren who are constantly sitting at the lessons. And thanks to the complex load, the muscle corset and posture improve, and jumping charges with positive emotions.
Rules of conduct on a trampoline for children
The main rule of conduct on the trampoline: one child – one trampoline. This is especially true for trampoline centers. When studying at home, make sure that no one interferes with the child. You can play together on the trampoline, but not train. Colliding in flight, children can injure each other.
The second rule is to stand in the center of the trampoline. So jumping, the athlete will not fall off the trampoline. A beginner should not start classes with complex sports elements. This is fraught with dislocations, sprains and traumatic landing on a trampoline.
It is also better for a newcomer not to practice for too long. It can cause headaches and nausea. If you are short of breath, you should stop and restore it. When doing exercises in a tired state, it is easy to lose coordination and fall off the trampoline.
Sports Equipment: What do you need to get started?
You will need comfortable, breathable clothing. Choose the most body-hugging sets. To practice at home, you will need the trampoline itself. If you plan to exercise in the gym, you will need sneakers or any comfortable shoes.