The relevance of strength development

Strength has been revered in all ages by all people. The desire to become stronger for an ancient person was as natural as the need to run fast, walk, and throw projectiles. The cult of power arose already in the primitive era, as evidenced by ancient legends, myths and legends about the exploits of heroes, present in the culture of all peoples. They express admiration for people endowed with remarkable physical abilities.
As humanity develops, physical strength plays an ever smaller role in human life. Previously, people were strong by necessity, today they are weak by circumstances. But, this does not mean that power has lost its importance for us. In terms of quality of life, strength is still a key factor in good health and active longevity.
What is strength and why is it important?
Strength is the ability of a person to overcome external resistance or resist it through muscular effort.
Even the smallest movement requires some effort, and the amount of force will directly affect the effectiveness of these movements. From walking to tapping your fingers on the keyboard, these are all movements that require the muscular effort of varying degrees of intensity. Due to muscle strength, the human body moves in space.
Strength is the basis for the development of any other physical qualities
An experienced sports coach will tell you that strength is the queen of all physical qualities.
Every physical quality basically consists of strength, i.e. the ability to overcome external resistance through muscular effort. Therefore, any physical activity will be better if you become a little stronger.
Developing strength prolongs life!
Many modern studies come to the conclusion that it is a strength that is the physical quality that you should pay attention to in order to prolong life.
Scientists made such conclusions on the basis of all the positive changes that occur with the body under the influence of strength training!
Axial loads are useful for humans
Yes, yes, they are useful. Axial loads will make your bones stronger, your ligaments stronger, your cartilage thicker. Thanks to the mechanism of adaptation, our body is able to adapt to the conditions in which we put it. Exercises with a barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, etc. – act as a stimulus, the body receives stress, and in response to this, it tries to recover and become a little bit stronger.
Therefore, power loads (including axial ones) are successfully used in the prevention of various diseases of the body, and are used as a means of rehabilitation after injuries.
Strength can be developed at any age
It is no secret that with age, the physical qualities of a person begin to decline. The good news is that if you develop them even in old age, you can achieve some success, especially in the development of strength abilities. The history of power sports knows many examples of people who started very late, but still achieved impressive results.
Strength is the strength of the body
Everything is simple here. A strong person has a stronger musculoskeletal system than a weak one. Accordingly, the risk of injury in everyday life in a strong person is much lower, since the domestic load is perceived by him much easier. For example: a person with a deadlift strength of 200kg, and the correct lifting pattern from the floor, is less likely to injure his back lifting a 50kg bag of potatoes than a person who has never held anything heavier than a phone in his hands.
One can talk endlessly about the benefits of developing strength for modern man.
Of course, strength is not the only physical quality that requires attention: speed, endurance, flexibility, dexterity – all these qualities equally require attention in a harmonious training process. But, it is strength that is the quality that contains the rudiments of all physical qualities: after all, even in order to be enduring, you must first be strong to some extent!
“It’s bad to be weak!”