The Exercise Mistake Proven to Damage Your Heart


long-distance-runner-3-22Not long ago, researchers studied the heart health of a group of very fit older athletes — men who had been part of a national or Olympic team in distance running or rowing, and runners who had completed at least a hundred marathons. The results were unsettling — half of these lifelong athletes showed evidence of heart muscle scarring…

06 May 2015

Making Bone Broth a Staple in Your Diet May Be the Key to Improving Your Health


bone brothEating a high-quality, nutrient-dense diet is one of the most powerful ways to maintain health and prevent disease. Your gut in particular needs proper nourishment in order to allow your health to really flourish.

Here, Hilary Boynton and Mary Brackett, authors of The Heal Your Gut Cookbook: Nutrient-Dense Recipes for Intestinal Health Using the GAPS Diet, shares helpful tips on how to “heal and seal” your gut so that profound healing can take place…

06 May 2015

What Are Dates Good For?


dates-nutrition-factsWhile dates don’t appear to be particularly special with their oddly wrinkled, brown exterior, they’re satisfyingly chewy and flavorful. Undoubtedly a favorite since the Garden of Eden, dates are considered a drupe because they contain a single pit or stone at the center.

Date palms, which produce these little beauties, were brought to America’s Western coast by Spanish missionaries in the late 1700s…

05 May 2015

Exercise May Curb His Nightly Trips to the Bathroom


nighttime-urinationWaking up during the night to urinate (nocturia) is the most common lower urinary tract symptom in men, and is thought to affect more than half of men aged 45 and over. Nocturia is more than just a nuisance; it interferes with quality sleep, leaving you irritable, fatigued, and at risk of the myriad of health problems related to insufficient sleep.

If you regularly wake up two or more times a night to urinate (if you wake up three or more times, this is defined as “severe” nocturia), you might…

05 May 2015

7 Ways You’re Sabotaging Your Workout


workout-mistakesExercise can reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer, and depression, and it can increase your energy levels, help you think clearer, and even slow down the aging process. However, there are pitfalls that can hamper your workout progress.

I was guilty of mistake #3 and #4 below. For thirty years, my only form of exercise was long distance running with little to no strength or interval training.

05 May 2015

Japanese Doctor Confirms Health Benefits of Working Out Less, But More Intensely


hqdefault (5)A little over three years ago, I was introduced to high intensity interval training, commonly referred to as HIIT, when I met Phil Campbell at a fitness camp in Mexico. I refer to it as Peak Fitness Training.

Since then, researchers have repeatedly confirmed the superior health benefits of HIIT compared to traditional and typically performed aerobic workouts…

05 May 2015

9 Healthy Kale Recipes


kale-saladKale is an unassuming leafy green that many people bypass due to its slightly bitter flavor. But if you learn to use it creatively, kale can be quite tasty, which is only one reason to eat this vegetable. In the realm of superfoods, and certainly of green leafy vegetables, kale is king (or close to it!).

One cup of kale contains just around 30 calories but will provide you with seven times the daily recommended…

05 May 2015

What Are Tomatoes Good For?


tomatoes-nutrition-factsThere are hundreds of them – varieties of tomato, that is – tiny types like grape, plum, and cherry for snacking pleasure, firm, petite Romas, good for cooked foods, and hefty beefsteak, ideal for BLTs and burgers.

The colors can vary as well, from the palest pink to yellow, and even purple. Preparations of tomato are endless: sun-dried, fried green, stew, sauce, paste, ketchup, juice, Bruschetta, veggie soup, pizza, salsa, salad…

Some advice: refrigerating tomatoes halts the ripening process and diminishes the flavor and texture…

04 May 2015

High Intensity Interval Training and Intermittent Fasting—Two Winning Ways to Reach and Maintain Your Ideal Weight


body-fat-percentageIf you want to alter your body composition, you cannot overlook exercise. However, some forms of exercise are clearly more effective than others in this regard.

Most people who exercise are still focusing on slow endurance-type exercises, such as running on a treadmill, which is not only time consuming but ineffective as well—especially for weight loss…

04 May 2015

Time Outdoors Helps Kids Respect and Connect with Nature



If you live in North America, the unusually long cold winter may have had you cooped up indoors for far too long. Now that the weather is finally feeling like spring and summer, you’re probably thrilled to spend more time outdoors… and hopefully your kids are too.

One of the most beneficial activities for children is simply…

04 May 2015