The first thing that distinguishes yoga is the goal. If fitness in general develops endurance, strength and other physical qualities of a person, then hatha yoga is set up to improve not only the body, but also the soul.
Hatha yoga teachings consider a person as a comprehensive system in which different energies are constantly circulating. And the meaning of doing hatha yoga for a person is to learn how to control all channels of this internal energy. How? Through physical exercise, proper breathing, adherence to spiritual principles.
Yoga– this is philosophy, many argue. And in a sense, this is true. Although in modern fitness clubs it is considered, first of all, as a philosophy of a healthy lifestyle – a healthy body, thoughts, conscious actions … In a word, it is not at all necessary to immediately promote vegetarianism, turn upside down and masterfully sit in the lotus position. At the initial stages of training, it is enough to learn how to properly relax and feel your body – and you will already be halfway to your new “I”.
Body capabilities
“Each yoga class consists of the following stages, the observance of which is fundamentally important,” says Kristina Lebedeva, a professional hatha yoga instructor at the FizCult Sovetskaya club: setting up for a class (observation of sensations); preliminary warm-up (joint gymnastics); dynamic set of exercises; breathing practices (pranayama); a set of static exercises (Asanas); shavasana (relaxation and meditation, the moment of giving gratitude to your body). However, each visit to yoga is a new knowledge of the capabilities of your body. As you progress in the practice, more complex elements are gradually added, which brings constant interest in training and creates a strong motivation for training. “
The path of optimism
Yoga classes have practically no contraindications, but there are a lot of recommendations – why you need to do yoga! In hatha yoga, special attention is paid to the health of the spine as the main core of the human body, on which the proper functioning of all other organs largely depends. An integrated approach to your health in yoga also contributes to weight loss and muscle definition, the formation of flexibility and plasticity. Not to mention the psychological component of the class. Each person finds something for himself in this practice. A person suffering from phobias and fears will learn to get rid of them, an unbalanced and fussy one – he will find calmness and poise, an energetically weak person will more successfully withstand the frantic rhythm of life and stress. By doing yoga, creativity is released. Many people associated with art, perform meditation for this very purpose – to open the mind to new ideas, expand consciousness and overcome inner limitations. And, of course, yoga classes guarantee an increase in goodwill and good mood for any person!