How to feed your child before school. 10 quick and healthy breakfast recipes

Breakfast is the main and most important meal for a growing body. It is he who launches all vital processes in the body. The first meal provides the student with the so-called “fuel” for work – that is, energy for the entire school day. That is why it is very important not to skip the first meal, but also to make it balanced and healthy.

Why you shouldn’t skip breakfast before school

Scientists have long proven that children who receive a healthy and balanced breakfast before school perform better in school than children who skip it. In addition, breakfast:

  • Improves concentration and attention of the student;
  • Replenishes vitamin deficiencies;
  • Strengthens the heart, bones, joints, and muscles;
  • Reduces the risk of developing obesity;
  • Improves mood;
  • Forms good habits and regime.

What to do if a child refuses breakfast

Most often, a child refuses breakfast before school, because he does not have time to get hungry. There are two options for solving this problem: to wake the child up earlier (about an hour before breakfast) or to make dinners the day before lighter and not late – then the child will wake up hungry.

A glass of warm water will help the student wake up and awaken his appetite.

What to cook for a student for breakfast. Fast and tasty

  • Oatmeal with bananas and chocolate spread. Boil oatmeal in milk cut bananas into rings, add a teaspoon of chocolate paste.
  • Lazy oatmeal in a jar with nuts and fruits. Pour oatmeal with drinking yogurt or fermented baked milk – mix and add fruits and nuts. Close the lid and refrigerate overnight.
  • Omelet with ham and tomatoes and whole-grain bread. Beat eggs with milk, add finely chopped ham and tomatoes. Cook over low heat, covered.
  • Cottage cheese with fruit and a sandwich with butter and cheese.
  • Lavash envelopes with ham and cheese. Cut the lavash into strips 10 cm wide, put the filling (grated cheese and ham) on the edge of the lavash. Roll up with a triangle in a few turns. Dip in an egg and fry on both sides over medium heat.
  • Scrambled eggs in pita bread. Fry the egg as usual. Cut the lavash into a rectangle and brush it with curd cheese. Top with a fried egg and a few thin pieces of hard cheese. Wrap the pita bread from all sides to the middle and fry in a dry frying pan on both sides.
  • Granola with yogurt. In order to prepare granola, it is necessary to mix oatmeal with dried fruits, nuts, and honey and send it to the oven at 130-150 degrees for 40 minutes. During the preparation process, it is necessary to constantly stir the mixture. Pour the finished granola with classic yogurt. Fruit can be added if desired.
  • Banana oatmeal pancakes. Mash a banana with a fork, add one egg, 50 ml of milk, 8 tbsp. l oat flour and 1 tbsp. l vegetable oil – beat with a whisk and fry on both sides in a dry frying pan. Serve with berries or fruits.
  • Lazy dumplings with cherries. Mash 180 g of cottage cheese with a fork, add 1 egg, a pinch of vanillin, and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Add 100 g flour and knead the dough. Form a sausage and cut it into 8-9 equal pieces. Wrap a berry in each part of the dough, roll an even ball and roll it in flour. Place the dumplings in boiling salted water and simmer over medium heat for exactly 4 minutes after the dumplings float up. Drain and serve with sour cream or condensed milk.
  • Toast with avocado and poached egg. Fry whole grain bread on both sides in a dry frying pan or in a toaster. Brush it with curd cheese, top with chopped avocado. In salted boiling water, create a funnel using a circular motion with a spoon or a whisk: break an egg inside the funnel and cook it for 2-3 minutes. Put the poached egg on the avocado toast, season with salt and pepper.

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