Producers worldwide gearing up for Halal products


fb47ae71d69f4e109fb21f65750b3bb5The global industry for Halal food and lifestyle products – ones that meet Islamic law standards of manufacture – is estimated to be worth hundreds of billions of dollars and is multiplying as Muslim populations grow.

Producers outside the Muslim world, from Brazil to the US and Australia, are eager to tap into the market…

13 Apr 2015

My Top Five Superfoods


fruits-vegetablesSeasonal changes come with abundant health benefits, including a bounty of wonderfully tasty superfoods. Eating more fresh vegetables is one of the simplest steps you can take to improve your overall health.

A vegetable-rich diet can help protect you from arthritis, heart disease, stroke, dementia, cancer, and even slow down your body’s aging process. I almost hesitated to write a top five list as there are so many wonderful vegetables…

12 Apr 2015

Too Busy to Exercise? Get Fit in 3 Minutes a Week


intense-exerciseThe most recent research shows that relatively short bursts of intense exercise—even if done only a total of a few minutes each week—can deliver many of the health and fitness benefits you get from doing hours of conventional exercise.

By doing just three minutes of High Intensity Training (HIT) a week for four weeks, you could see significant changes in important health indices.

At some research centers, participants were able to improve their insulin sensitivity an average of 24 percent with as little as three minutes of HIT per week…

12 Apr 2015

Benefits Of Cashews


cashew-nutrition-factsNative to Brazil, cashews are crescent-shaped nuts with a sweet flavor and a plethora of uses in the kitchen. Considered third in consumption among all the tree nuts in the world, they’re great when mixed with raisins, dried cranberries, shredded coconut,

sunflower seeds, and other nuts, such as almonds and walnuts, to make a fantastic homemade trail mix.Cashew butter is a staple in many households around the world, and they’re a crunchy, delicious addition to any stir-fry…

12 Apr 2015

Researchers still unsure about vitamin D benefits


f9d6f48c45584df2a0cdee679adb5acbTwo new reports that analysed research on vitamin D supplements found there’s no reason to get excited yet about any possible health benefits.

One review, from international researchers, found hardly any benefit.

The other analysis suggested it may have what a specialist called a “huge” effect on lifespan,…

12 Apr 2015

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Honey


honey-jarHoney has been valued as a natural sweetener long before sugar became widely available in the 16th century. Honey production flourished in ancient Greece and Sicily, for instance, while animals other than humans – bears, badgers, and more – have long raided honeybee hives, risking stings for the sweet reward.

Honey is truly a remarkable substance, made even more extraordinary by the process with which it is made…

11 Apr 2015

Exercise Could Hold Key to Successful Cancer and Mental Health Treatment


prevent-cancer (1)Mounting evidence continues to show that exercise may be a key component in successful cancer prevention and treatment. Studies have also found that it can help keep cancer from recurring, so it’s really a triple-win.

Yet not surprisingly few oncologists ever tell their patients to engage in exercise beyond their simple daily, normal activities, and many cancer patients are reluctant to exercise, or even discuss it with their oncologist. Hopefully, you will not be one of them…

11 Apr 2015

Health Benefits Of Carrots


carrot-nutrition-factsExtremely versatile to eat and available nearly anywhere in the world, carrots have been around for centuries. Historians believe that carrots were cultivated by the Ancient Greeks and Romans, as they were mentioned by Pliny the Elder and prized by Emperor Tiberius.

Carrots belong to the Umbelliferae family, a term derived from the umbrella-like flower cluster on top of the plants in this family. You’ll find similar fern-like leaves on plants the carrot is related to, such as fennel, parsley, dill, and anise…

11 Apr 2015

What Tim Noakes eats


594b6863666d420bb27f4e05bf7bcd24Tim Noakes’ high-fat, low carb diet (Banting) has created more than a stir among professionals and the public, but there’s no denying that it’s worked for him since he is predisposed to develop adult-onset diabetes –

what is known as “carbohydrate resistant” (CR) and hence “pre-diabetic”.

According to Prof Noakes, those who are profoundly carbohydrate resistant (CR) (as he is) must restrict carbohydrates..

11 Apr 2015

Yoga Best Against Back Pain


o-YOGA-HEALTH-BENEFITS-facebookThe vast majority of Americans will experience back pain at some point during their lives. In most cases (upwards of 90 percent), the pain will go away on its own, allowing you to go about with your normal activities.

Still, if you’re in the midst of a back-pain episode, the pain can be severe and debilitating, and this is why back pain is the leading reason why people visit orthopedic surgeons and neurosurgeons, and the second leading reason why people visit primary care physicians…

10 Apr 2015