What can be allergies in June and how to deal with it

Pollinosis is an allergic disease caused by plant pollen and manifests itself in the form of rhinitis, conjunctivitis, dermatitis and bronchial asthma.

People with hay fever typically experience severe itching in the nose and eyes, watery eyes, paroxysmal sneezing, and nasal congestion. If you ignore and try to endure these symptoms, allergic rhinitis can develop into bronchial asthma. Also, a strong allergic reaction can lead to hives and angioedema.

The main difference between hay fever is seasonality, coincidence with the flowering period of certain plants. Before you go to the doctor with this question, try to understand at what time the allergy started and find out what blooms during this period.

Blossom map

The time, type of flowering, and allergy that manifests itself in it largely depend on the region. To understand what kind of allergy can be encountered in a certain place, there are special maps of the distribution of pollen. Online, you can keep track of where and when, as well as the intensity of the blooming of plants that cause allergies.

Flowering calendar. June

The beginning of summer is the most difficult period for allergy sufferers, since it is at this time that the air contains an increased concentration of pollen.

What triggers allergies in June

Most often in June, the flowering of trees such as:

• Birch
• Pine, spruce
• Willow
• Alder

Among the herbs in June, the most dangerous for allergy sufferers are:

• Plantain
• Nettle
• Sorrel

In addition to the above, allergies during this period can be caused by cereals, dandelions, as well as mold-type fungi: cladosporium and alternaria.

Foods that should not be consumed with hay fever

Few people know that pollen allergies can cross with food allergies. Therefore, people suffering from hay fever need to monitor their diet.

Cross allergy

For each type of flowering – there is a list of cross-allergens that should not be consumed by allergy sufferers:

Trees  – apple, pear, apricot, peach, plum, carrot, kiwi, cherry, cherry, banana, potato, nuts, parsley, dill, celery, cumin.

Cereals  – beer, kvass, cereals, legumes, tomatoes, corn, soy.

Herbs  – cumin, chamomile, fennel, anise, sunflower seeds, coriander, paprika, celery, dill, potatoes.

For example, if you are allergic to birch, then most likely you may be allergic to peaches, cherries, plums, etc. If you are allergic to wormwood, then you better not eat dill, celery, cumin, etc.

What to do if you have a pollen allergy:

• Take antihistamines – as prescribed by your doctor;
• Avoid contact with allergens;
• Try to walk in the morning, late evening and after rain – then the lowest concentration of pollen in the air;
• Ventilate the apartment at night and in rainy, calm weather;
• Wear sunglasses;
• When returning from the street wash your hands and face well;
• Do not bring bouquets of wildflowers and herbs to your home;
• Follow a hypoallergenic diet, taking into account cross-allergic foods;
• Moisturize the nasal mucosa.

What tests need to be taken to determine allergens

1. Blood test for IgE. In order to understand exactly whether there is an allergy and not to confuse it with another disease, they take a blood test for immunoglobulin E. It determines how many antibodies are in the blood. If their level is higher than normal, this may be a sign of an allergic reaction. The more IgE in the body, the more active you are in contact with the irritant. But this analysis will not show what exactly you are allergic to.
2. Skin allergy tests. It is a quick and reliable way to identify your personal allergen. In modern medicine, three types of skin tests are used:

• Scarification test. Several scratches are made on the hand, into which a specific allergen is introduced. After 15-20 minutes, a reaction develops and the doctor evaluates the result. If the scratch begins to redden, enlarge and itch, then the allergy is confirmed.

• Prik test. The principle is the same as scarification, only small punctures are made instead of scratches.

• Patch test (application). Allergens are glued with patches on the patient’s back and keep them for up to 48 hours. After that, the doctor evaluates allergic reactions to one or another component.


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