Slouching Makes You Sad


bad-postureTake a moment to think about your posture right now. Are you slouching in your chair with your shoulders rounded and your head leaning forward? This is one of the most common poor postures that people assume while sitting, and aside from giving you tight neck and shoulder muscles and tension headaches, this posture may bring down your mood.

08 Apr 2015

Resveratrol Boosts Brain Blood Flow



A new study shows that high doses of resveratrol may improve brain blood flow and could potentially boost brain health.

Resveratrol is a bioactive compound found in grapes and red wine. Interest in the compound began in 2003 when research showed that resveratrol was able to increase the lifespan of yeast cells…

07 Apr 2015

Are These the Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Belly Fat?


hqdefault (3)Many find that their abdominal area is particularly difficult to firm and tone and contrary to popular belief, solely doing standard sit ups is not likely to be of much help. Learning effective methods for shrinking your waistline is worth the effort however, as the benefits extend far beyond mere aesthetics.

Abdominal fat actually produces inflammatory molecules, and high inflammation levels in your body can trigger a wide range of systemic diseases linked with metabolic syndrome. This is why carrying extra weight…

07 Apr 2015

Cabbage Benefits


cabbageDescended from cabbage grown wild in Mediterranean regions thousands of years ago, the leaves in today’s varieties sometimes have interesting dissimilarities. Some appear wide-spread and waffled, while others are smooth and tightly bunched. The colors vary as well, presenting pale green, blue green, red, reddish purple, and nearly white. All have very short stems which, other than garden dirt on the very end, are just as delicious and nutritious as the leaves…

07 Apr 2015

Fad diets are hard work but can deliver


6c62e13f1b834442a2ee7263cf067e6fWith summer on the horizon, the pressure to lose weight is fast creeping in, making “fad” diets cross the minds of many overweight South African women. These diets demand fasting, virtually no carbs or liquid food shakes and is notoriously hard to stick to.

But even “fad” diets can lead to a slimmer, lighter New Year for those whose resolve remains robust, according to doctors and nutritionists analysing them…

07 Apr 2015

Majority of Adults Need More Muscle Strengthening Exercise



If you want to age well and remain fully functional and independent, be sure this one exercise is part of your routine. Staying active and maintaining strong muscles becomes increasingly important as you get older to prevent chronic health problems and injuries from falls.

07 Apr 2015

The Redemption of Cholesterol—How It Supports Your Health


810HDL-cholesterolHeart disease is one of the leading causes of death, and cholesterol is frequently given the blame. But is it justified?

Over the past 60 years, research has repeatedly demonstrated that there’s NO correlation between high cholesterol and plaque formation that leads to heart disease. Despite that, the saturated fat/cholesterol myth has persisted…

06 Apr 2015

Burn Away Fat Cells With Intermittent Fasting


no-bfastIf you’re already off to a good start on a healthy fitness plan, and you’re looking for ways to take it to the next level, then you might want to consider a form of fasting called Scheduled Eating, or intermittent fasting.

In essence this fitness-enhancing strategy looks at the timing of meals, as well as when NOT to eat. This isn’t one of those fad plans, where you eat just one or two things for several days in a row…

06 Apr 2015

Brussels Sprouts Good For health


brussels-sprouts-nutrition-factsNamed for the city in Belgium where this vegetable was first referenced in the 1200s – Brussels – this miniature cabbage may have been cultivated in Italy during the reign of Roman emperors. They migrated with European farmers into the U.S. in the 1800s.

In a long line of crucifers with cabbage, radishes, cauliflower, and kale, Brussels sprouts are a cool weather crop with a nutty, earthy taste and the appearance of miniature cabbage heads…

06 Apr 2015

Mediterranean diet linked to better heart health


65c51f5eefb14c88b4c6e071049b37a8The study compared a low-fat diet to a Mediterranean diet – a diet rich in whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, fish and olive oil. The Mediterranean diet was supplemented with either extra nuts or extra virgin olive oil.

The Mediterranean diet didn’t lower the odds of developing metabolic syndrome – a collection of risk factors for heart disease – compared to following a low-fat diet, the study found…

06 Apr 2015